Gold Rush! - Sierra On-Line OVERVIEW. The objective of the game is to travel from New York to California in an attempt to find both your brother and your fortune. You have three options as to how you make your way across the States: 1. Stagecoach 2. Ship via Cape Horn 3. Ship via Panama NEW YORK. Enter your House and open the Photo Album. Remove the Family Photo. Once outside again, sell your house immediately. The price it fetches falls after gold fever hits New York City. Enter the Gazebo and take the Flowers and the Gold Coin which has fallen between the slats of the floor. Go to the Post Office and say "Get Mail" to the Clerk. He has none. Return later and there will be a letter from your brother. Read the postmark (Sutters Fort), lift up the Stamp (Gold Flake) and then read the letter. The words in capitals read: "Great find in the American River". Go to the Newspaper Office and go to your Boss and resign. Go to your desk and read the clippings about your brother. Go to the Graveyard and put flowers on your parents' graves. Go to the Bank and and say to Teller: "Get Quail" (The learn this from the photo album). Clear account of all monies. Go back to your house and collect the proceeds of the sale. Go to the Warehouse and read the poster. If you are travelling by ship then go to the house next door to yours and purchase a ticket. The price rises if gold fever hits! Don't waste time from the start. If you're going via Panama then ensure that you buy a mosquito net at the Hardware Shop and fruit and vegetables. If you are going by the Cape or Stage, ensure that you have fruit and food. To go by Stage, purchase a ticket at the Stage Office and show it to the man at the Livery Stable. Get on the Stage and head out. Going by boat, just get on board and wait until the ship sets sail. STAGE. Pay the Captain at the Camp. Buy mature oxen at the Corral. Examine the Plains and when the grass is starting to grow, give the order to head out. Whilst waiting for Spring, talk to the man reading who'll give you his Bible. At the brow of the hill, unhitch the oxen. When they have been watered, put chains on the wheels. When in the Desert, drink the water from the barrel of the abandoned wagon and eat the meat from inside it. THE CAPE. Talk to the man reading the Bible again. When the food has run out get the string from the Bunk Room, the scraps of metal from the Engine Room, the stick from the Stoker's, the pork from the Galley and the paper clip from the Captain's Office. Go to the rear end of the boat and fish. As soon as you dock, go to the Stage Depot and get on. PANAMA. Say "Yes" when the Guide asks whether to pay the Natives or not. In the clearing, talk to the man with the Bible again. Take the Vine to avoid being consumed by the Ants. On the next screen, there are three paths through. The first gets you crushed by a snake, the second shredded by a Plant and the third is hidden from view. As you first enter the screen, go up and across and you should be able to find it without too many problems. To negotiate the quicksand, follow a straight path about half to two-thirds of the way across (just hit the right cursor key as you enter the screen) and then go slightly up and then straight right again. Again, go to the Stage Depot as soon as possible. SUTTER'S FORT. Go to the Blacksmith's and get the branding iron. Buy a pan at the Store with your gold coin from the Gazebo. Go to the Graveyard and find the grave of "Pa" mentioned in your brother's letter. It's the big one in the middle at the back. Read the tomb and when you get the screenshot of the headstone, use the letter. Your brother put holes in it. Line it up correctly and you'll get R21OOM. The headstone mentions Psalm 23. Read the psalm and Green Pastures is in bold. THE RIVER & GREEN PASTURES HOTEL. Leave the Fort and head due East. Keep walking in the river and pan regularly. You should find gold every so often. This gold allocation appears to be random. When you have travelled about 18 miles East (18 screens!), you'll come to a Sawmill. Go to the right and you'll come to a Small Town. Go to the Green Pastures Hotel. Say to Clerk "Get Messages". He has none for you but he asks you to take one up to Room 11. Take it and deliver it. When the guest leaves, nip into his room and turn the wheel of the cannon on the fireplace. Enter the fireplace and you are in Room 12. Read the note, take the magnet and get the string from the floor. Unlatch the window and wait for the bird to fly into the cage. Examine the bird, examine it's capsule and insert the family photo. When it returns, read the aerogram. A stubborn friend will guide you. Wait for the guest to leave again and then go back out via Room 11. SUTTER'S FORT. Return to the fort via the river (and more panning!) and buy a lantern and shovel. Buy a mule from the Corral inside the fort, then go to the Blacksmith's, heat the iron and brand the mule. Now go to the corral just outside and find the mule which has your brother's brand. Leave the one you bought and take the other. At the river, release the mule and follow it to East 27 South 7 where you find your brother's log cabin. Take the matches from the table and if you lift the rug you will find a trapdoor which cannot be opened from ground level. Go outside and enter the Outhouse. Again, it's a bit tricky to get to. Take your character to the right. He'll go out of sight, bring him down and across to the left. In the Loo enter the shaft. Light the lantern and proceed to the mine door. Tie the string to the magnet and put the magnet in the hole. Looking under the door you can see the key. Lower the magnet and pull the string. Unlock the door and enter the mine. Go down the ladder and go left at the bottom. Ensure that your character is on SLOW and when near the ladder, go up as far as possible and then come across onto the ladder. Go down and get the pick. Go back up and at the point you entered the ladder, there is a ledge (it's black and overhangs the ladder), then move left. Proceed left and then climb down the next ladder. At the top of the next use the pick and strike gold! Come down and then move left to find your brother. Use the pick just behind your brother - just to the left of the gold vein - and continue 'picking' and taking gold until you open up a hole. Enter and find your fortune!!!!!!!!!!