How do I log-on to the computer? Search the game's packaging. Your number is on the ID card, password is in the G.U.E book. How do I get the master key from the hacker? He looks hungry to me. Cook the carton of food for 4 minutes & give it to the hacker. Where can I get a torch? Where would you be stuck in the dark if there was a power cut? The lift! The torch is in the access panel. How can I get past all those pallets in Dead Storage? You need a bit of mechanical help. Use the forklift. This floor waxer is a pest, how do I stop it? Cut its power. Take the axe (wearing gloves) and cut the power cord. Oh no! The maintenance man is after me. Well, you don't have a banana skin to stop him...... Pour the floor wax on the floor to slip him up. How can I open the chemistry building door? Is that a light I see through the window? There's someone inside, so just knock on the door! The professor won't let me go South! Prove to the professor that you know about his assistant. Show the professor the suicide note. Where's the suicide note? The assistant jumped off the great dome. Go to the Top of the Dome and look under the plug. I think I'm being sacrificed! You must escape from the room, and QUICK! Cut the pentagram with the knife, then use the trapdoor. How do I get rid of the dark shape on the roof? He's attracted by an object you're holding. Throw the stone at him. Remember to retrieve it! What am I supposed to do with the hand? The hand will be useful, but not if it's dead. Put it in the vat of elixir. I'm feeling tired, how do I stop falling asleep? You need some caffeine to keep you awake. There's no coffee, so drink some coke. How do I stop the rats? Examine the pipework. Open the steam valve with the crowbar. How can I get the object that the urchin is carrying? Give him a shock. Show him the hand. How can I get the bolt cutter into the tunnel? Check out the lift shaft. Use the lift and the chain to pull the rod out of the wall. I'm lost in the Wet Tunnel. Give the hand a magical object. Put the hyrax on the hand. How do I destroy the slime curtain? Freeze it. Pour the liquid from the flask on it. How do I kill the monster? Electrocute it. Plug the line (in the puddle) into the coaxial socket. How do I kill the thing? Something odd is happening to an object in your possession. When the stone gets red hot, throw it at the thing.