Adventure Quest - Level 9/Rainbird IN TAKE TABLE OUT, S, S, S, S DROP TABLE TAKE ORCHID N, N, N, E GIVE ORCHID (the Unicorn gestures for you to follow him North) N, N, N TAKE PIPES TAKE MEDALLION S, S, S, W, N, W, W, W, S, S DROP PIPES DROP MEDALLION UP TAKE SILVER BALL DOWN TAKE PIPES TAKE MEDALLION N, N, E, UP, E, UP, UP (you may be attacked by wolves before you get to this location, but you are resurrected to here anyway!) LOOK (you are given a scroll, and a stick is on the ground here) READ SCROLL (your quest is explained) DROP SCROLL TAKE STICK DOWN, DOWN, W DROP STICK (it sheds fruit!) TAKE ONION EAT ONION TAKE STICK DOWN, N, N, IN DROP MEDALLLION DROP STICK TAKE SLING TAKE BOTTLE OUT, N, N, N, N, N, W (you will hear a sliding sound in the sand!) N LOOK E, E, E, N, E, UP, UP, UP, UP, W, W (you meet a Giant) WAVE SLING (the Giant runs off!) E, E, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, W, W, W, W OPEN SESAME (a cavern opens up to the North) N TAKE SUNDIAL S, E, E, E, S, W DRINK UP (you see some snakes) PLAY PIPES (the snakes dance away) IN (the Priestess gives you a small ruby in exchange for the sundial) OUT, DOWN, W DROP SLING W, LOOK, S DROP PIPES E, LOOK, S, LOOK, S, S, S, S FILL BOTTLE (from the river here) DRINK FILL BOTTLE IN TAKE MEDALLION TAKE KEYS OUT N, N, N, N, N, W, N LOOK E, E, E, N, E, UP, UP, UP, UP, W, W, W, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP DROP MEDALLION UNLOCK SNOWMAN DROP KEYS TAKE SNOWMAN DOWN, DOWN, DOWN PUSH ROCKS (with the Snowman's help, you get rid of the Orcs and the Abominable Snowman!) DOWN, DOWN, S, S, UP, UP, UP IN (a Dark Shape flies at you!) THROW RUBY (it explodes, destroying the Dark Shape) N TAKE EYE TAKE BAG S, OUT, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, E TAKE ROPE W, N, N, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP DROP ROPE DROP EYE DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, S, S, S, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, W, W, W, S (you meet a Djinn, guarding the Oasis to the South) OPEN BAG (a blast of air blows the Djinn towards a nearby lamp). S DRINK IN TAKE TRIDENT OUT TAKE LAMP FILL BOTTLE N, N, E, E DRINK FILL BOTTLE (with oil this time!) E, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, N, N, N, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP ON LAMP IN THROW BOTTLE THROW TRIDENT THROW BAG (they all land with a 'splash!' in the distance) OUT TAKE KEYS TAKE EYE TAKE ROPE IN THROW KEYS THROW EYE TIE ROPE (it hangs downwards into the darkness) OUT TAKE MEDALLION IN THROW MEDALLION OFF LAMP THROW LAMP DOWN (you fall into an Underground River) CLIMB UP E TAKE LUNG-FISH DOWN LOOK UP (here's all your items!) DROP LUNG-FISH, TAKE LUNG-FISH TAKE TRIDENT TAKE LAMP TAKE BOTTLE DROP LUNG-FISH, TAKE LUNG-FISH DOWN, N, W, W, N, W, UP DROP LUNG-FISH, TAKE LUNG-FISH ON LAMP OIL DOOR FILL BOTTLE (with water again) DROP BOTTLE DROP LAMP DROP LUNG-FISH, TAKE LUNG-FISH DOWN, E, E, S, S, S, UP DROP LUNG-FISH, TAKE LUNG-FISH TAKE KEYS TAKE EYE DROP LUNG-FISH, TAKE LUNG-FISH DOWN, N, W, W, N, W, UP DROP LUNG-FISH, TAKE LUNG-FISH OPEN DOOR DROP KEYS DROP LUNG-FISH, TAKE LUNG-FISH DROP EYE DOWN, UP, DOWN, E, E, S, S, S, UP TAKE NET TAKE BAG DOWN, UP TAKE MEDALLION DOWN, N, W, W, N, W DROP MEDALLION E, S, W TAKE JELLY-FISH E, N, DOWN, E, IN (an Octopus attacks you!) OUT, UP, W, W TAKE MEDALLION E, DOWN DROP MEDALLION (it's sucked down a hole!) UP DROP JELLY-FISH UP TAKE LUNG-FISH, DROP LUNG-FISH DROP NET DROP TRIDENT TAKE EYE TAKE LAMP N, W, W, N (Orcs block the way north!) S, E, E, N, N, N GIVE EYE (the Statue gives you a sword) S, S, UP, UP, UP TAKE EARTH-STONE (it is lost to the Orcs.......but only temporarily!) DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, S, W, W, N (no Orcs this time!), N, E, S, S, W TAKE EARTH-STONE E, N, N, W (the Orcs chase you!) CUT BRIDGE S, S, E, E DROP SWORD S DROP LAMP TAKE NET TAKE TRIDENT TAKE LUNG-FISH, DROP LUNG-FISH DOWN TAKE JELLY-FISH E, DOWN DROP EARTH-STONE UP DROP JELLY-FISH UP TAKE LUNG-FISH, DROP LUNG-FISH DROP NET DROP TRIDENT TAKE BOTTLE TAKE LAMP N TAKE SWORD N, N, W, W, W (you meet a Dragon!) THROW BOTTLE (it causes the Dragon to choke and back off) N TAKE EGG S, W, W WAIT (until the flames move NE/SW) DOWN, LOOK, DOWN, SCORE, DOWN, SCORE, DOWN TAKE CLOAK DOWN, SCORE, DOWN, SCORE, IN, SCORE DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, W DROP CLOAK (it now covers the hot coals) W, S DROP EGG (the Phoenix is reborn!) N, W, W, W, W, UP DROP LAMP TAKE SUN-STONE DOWN E (a Balrog now stands astride the bridge, blocking your way!) CUT BRIDGE (you fall to a Bleak Moor) N, W, N, N TAKE BRAZIER (it shrinks into a tiny ornament!) TAKE STAR-STONE DOWN (you slide down a scree slope and the Orcs daren't follow you!) DROP BRAZIER (you're warm again!) TAKE BRAZIER S, S, S, S, E, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN S (when the Skeletal Hand grabs you.......'CUT HAND') S (you are surrounded by Ghosts!) DROP BRAZIER (the Ghosts are now banished) E, E, S, S, S, W, W, IN, S (lucky you ate that onion, earlier!!) UP THROW STAR-STONE THROW SUN-STONE TAKE BOOTS DOWN, N, OUT, E, E, N, N, N, E, E, E TAKE MIST-STONE W, W, S, W, S, S, S, S, W, W, IN, S, UP, OUT DROP SWORD TAKE SUN-STONE TAKE STAR-STONE S, S, UP, UP DROP STAR-STONE DROP SUN-STONE DOWN, DOWN, N TAKE EARTH-STONE TAKE MEDALLION S, UP, UP DROP BOOTS TAKE SUN-STONE INSERT EARTH-STONE (the Rock Door opens) TAKE STAR-STONE UP INSERT SUN-STONE (the Gold Door opens) UP INSERT STAR-STONE (the Silver Door opens) UP INSERT MIST-STONE (the Glass Door opens) UP (you are now surrounded by Orcs!) WAVE MEDALLION N, W, W (more Orcs block the way North) W, S, E (you hide in the Alcove as the Orcs pass) W, N, E, N, N, N, DOWN, DOWN, N. FINAL MESSAGE The Demon Lord freezes you with a look: "YOU WILL STILL FAIL!", he snarls, "NO AMULET CAN WORK SO CLOSE TO THE CENTRE OF MY POWER". But the Phoenix dives at the fire, destroying it completely! The Demon Lord screams and implodes to nothing. Your mission is successful!! You scored 5475 out of about 6000. You are clearly a Master Adventurer!