Demon's Winter: Part 2 - SSI/US Gold ......we hurtled through the doorway, past the body of the dead hobgoblin, and found ourselves in a black room. In front of us was a ghostly, white figure, Remondadin. Lone led the attack, and the five of us, working together as never before, finally defeated him. With Remondadin dead, the black room was strangely silent. On our explorations under the Temple of Gamur, we had already noticed a group of wizards praying in the underground temple, but not to Gamur - they were praying to the evil Xeres. Clearly, these catacombs were only part of a small cult that worshipped Xeres, the demon who had destroyed Ildryn. It was also clear to us that we must find Xeres himself before he found us. We left the black room through a doorway to the south and found ourselves back in the main Temple. However, Clarence reminded us about the man in the glass case and pointed at the mallet that Fidget was carrying. So we returned to the morgue. With one swing of the mallet, the case was shattered and we could see the man more clearly but he still didn't respond. Izzy looked closer. "He's in a deep trance ...... I wonder ...." and reaching into his pocket he pulled out the two vials of serum that Clarence had found in the laboratory and given to him. He examined the man, who stared vacantly into space. "I'll have to risk it" he said, and gave him a mouthful of the blue serum. Suddenly, the man sat up., a wild expression on his face. "Qoorik!, I've seen it!" he cried and grabbed at Izzy's shoulders in a frenzy. "They tried to shut me up, but I've seen it! Its entrance is hidden in the forest to the north-west of Idlewood." As if his body had given up the last of its strength, he slumped back onto the slab. Izzy shook his head and sighed. "He is still alive but only barely; we will get no more help from him. Leave him in peace" and, with sadness, we left the room, vowing to avenge the poor wretch who lay within, bereft of his senses. No-one tried to stop us as we left the Temple. We headed towards the south-east of the island where, on our previous explorations, we had noticed another tunnel heading out under the southern sea. Not far inside, we found ourselves in a large cavern, filled with the sound of rushing water. A message carved in the floor read 'Pirates' Cove - enter at your own risk'. "Them's fighting words" said Lone and Fidget went a sickly shade of green. Passages led off north, south and west. Along both north and south passages, Fidget found and disarmed traps and soon after, in each case, we were attacked by thieves who we quickly slew. A College was at the end of each tunnel, Disarm Traps in one and Detect Traps in the other. Having no need for either, as long as young Fidget was with us, we retraced our steps to the main cavern. At the end of the western tunnel, over a stretch of water, we found the town of Pirates' Cove. Surprisingly, despite the warning at the entrance and our rough reception in the other tunnels, we were completely ignored. But, in the pub, an old man was telling the tale of Malifon, so we paused a moment to listen, though we had heard the tale before, many times. "....and Malifon made the Earth his home", said the old man, "but soon the Ancients became angry at him and, in a great battle, banished him inside a volcano to live till the end of time". He finished his tale and picked up his tankard to take a draught. Lone tapped my arm. "Sometimes, my friend, with all the things we see and hear, I get the feeling the end of time isn't too far away". Somehow, I had to agree with him. Malifon's volcano might be the last thing any of us saw. We left the Cove and tried to decide where to go next. While we were deciding, we visited two of the Colleges. Fidget had died and been resurrected twice during recent battles, so the small man decided to improve his skills and took a course in fighting with the mace. Lone learnt beserking, which he felt might give him the edge in a tight scrap. At a nearby town, Fidget purchased a morningstar then we took another trip to the Guild at New Gleon and found we had advanced enough to gain another few levels. Hereafter, we visited Guilds whenever we came across them, to check on our progress. We bought a ship in the docks and set out to sea. I had also learnt hunting skills, so between us, Lone and I kept the five of us well supplied with fish on our long sea voyage. We travelled to various islands along the coast, but never straying too far from the main island where we had started our travels. We also investigated the small islands in the inlets along the coast. Lone enrolled at the College of Armoured Skin which Fidget said sounded disgusting. However, this skill gave him even more protection in battle. At Dragontooth, we heard a rumour in the pub that someone had found the Shard of Spring a few months back. The Shard had disappeared 200 years ago and no-one had seen it since. It is said that if anything happens to it, we will all be destroyed by the winter that will follow. While we were in Dragontooth, Clarence enrolled at the College of Mace and later at the College of Persuasiveness at Chandris. It would help us get a better deal when we purchased new equipment. All this time, Izzy had been using a +1 crystal dagger that we had collected earlier. Our other fights had gained us some more useful equipment and I had a mace, constant speed +2. We also had some other weapons that we had collected and since our ship now needed considerable repairs, pirates and sea monsters having taken their toll, we sold our spare weapons at a local marketplace. We had also gained two cursed axes which we got rid of as soon as possible! To the south, we found two islands, and on the furthest south of these, the town of Idlewood, mentioned by our friend in the glass case. We bought a lantern in the marketplace and visited the inn where we learned that deep within the ancient demon city of Qoorik, there is a place called the Amber Vault where one can seek guidance in the flaming runes. The dungeon entrance, invisible till one stepped into it, lay a short distance away. We descended into the depths, Fidget checking for traps once we reached the bottom of the staircase. To the west, we found a great, black archway covered in runes and south of that, more passages and rooms led off. In one room to the far east, we entered a room where three slaver demons attacked us. The fight was long and hard but when it was over, Fidget spotted something in a far corner. It was a black metal wand. "I'll take that" said Clarence as he reached past the thief and tucked the wand into his robes. We returned to the corridor and travelled south, then west. A doorway beckoned; Lone moved to the front and shouldered the door open. It was a blacksmith's shop. Inside, the blacksmith - an old troll, his face disfigured so that one eye was permanently closed - gasped as we entered. Then he seemed to compose himself, smiled and spoke. He said he had been working on a new weapon, designed for the ones who wish to kill Xeres. Lone stepped forward, thanked the troll and took it. It was a jewel-encrusted broadsword. However, I cautioned him not to use it until we had identified it properly. My caution was well justified; it turned out to be cursed! Heading back towards the stairs we had entered by, we went through a doorway and found ourselves in a stately mansion with three doors leading off the main hall. In a bedroom, which looked as though it hadn't been used for a long time, Fidget investigated a bed with a straw mattress and emerged grasping a pair of spectacles. He perched them on his nose and said "these make me feel smart". Lone laughed. "They must be magic if they make YOU intelligent" he said. The dwarf made a face, pulled off the specs and passed them to the wizard, who patted Fidget's shoulder to try to cheer up the small man. We also collected a blank piece of papyrus and in a library, we came across a tome, the only book that was left. Izzy tried to read it but failed till he wore the spectacles. Then he told us that it was about some gods called the Ancients who created everything but died out many eons before man ever walked the Earth. In the corner of the library was a bookcase. Lone and I moved it and behind was another room. Black runes were carved on the walls and at a desk, a skeleton, its skull shattered but its hand still clutching a quill pen, caught our attention. I saw a piece of paper on the desk which read - Ymros is mine! - and pointed out to the others that the arrangement of the runes matched the number of letters on the paper; five runes, a space, two runes, space, then four more. "I'll memorize the runes" said Clarence, with a glazed look in his eyes. Two doorways back on the main floor had so far been barred to us. One, a tunnel from which the stench of death blew out, turned out to be, apparently, a dead end. The other, the entrance to a dark temple of red stone, was also impossible to enter; the sense of evil permeating from it and an unseen force both combined to push us back. "There must be another way in" murmured Izzy. "Clarence? Do you think the wand might help?" The cleric shook his head. "There's nothing here to operate it on" he said "but perhaps, the arch we saw when we entered? That was black and covered in runes...." We retraced our steps to the arch. Clarence took a deep breath (I think we all did) and used the wand. The next thing, we were transported to a small room. A door lead south. Quietly, Fidget pushed it open and we crept through. A corridor on the other side was the entrance to the Demon's temple. The entrance was not unguarded though - in front of us stood a level 6 mage, a level 8 fighter and an evil spirit...... To be continued in a future issue of SynTax.