Moonmist (green version) - Infocom I knew something was up the moment I got Tamara's letter! Obviously she was scared for her life but - a ghost trying to kill her? Impossible ... or so I thought. I arrived at Tresyllian Castle and was admitted by pressing the eye on the wyvern carving by the gate. The butler asked my name and which was my favourite colour. Green, of course, the colour of my new sports car! Inside the gates, Tamara came flying out to meet me. We chatted for a while and I asked her about the ghost. She really was convinced the so-called White Lady was after her. Soon, she introduced me to Jack, her fiance. When I asked him about the ghost, he said he had just caught a glimpse of a whitish figure from the rear but couldn't tell if it was a woman or a bloke in drag. The other house guests were Vivien Pentreath, Montague Hyde (a shifty customer if ever I saw one), Iris Vane, Ian Fordyce and Dr Wendish. Evidently they were all there for Lionel's memorial birthday dinner. Lionel was Jack's uncle and Jack had inherited the castle from him. Hyde said he had seen a figure a few weeks ago on a previous visit to Tresyllian Castle and that it had fled in the direction of the Tower. Though he followed it, he couldn't find it - it had mysteriously vanished! Wendish had seen it the night after Deirdre's tragic accident (Deirdre, by the way, was Jack's previous fiancee who had drowned tragically in the castle well). Anyway, Wendish said that the figure had been in the Old Great Hall and had gone towards the basement. Iris had also seen it on the Tower Stairs but neither Vivien or Ian had seen any sign of it. The butler, Bolitho, showed me to my room. Before he left, I asked him about the ghost and he said he had seen it searching the floor near the archway of the New Great Hall the night before. He said, jokingly, that the ghost must have bad eyesight as, though the light was bright, it was groping blindly on the floor. He also mentioned that the ghost appeared to be left-handed. The figure headed into the drawing room when it saw him but vanished when he followed. Bolitho gave me an aerosol that might help me and also said that if I wanted to check my appearance, the mirrors in the room would adjust. Too right, they did! When he left, I tried moving them and found a switch on the wall mirror. Behind it was a secret passage. After washing and changing, I wandered down for dinner. The other guests were in the New Great Hall, chatting, so, as there were a few minutes before the dinner-gong went, I entered the Drawing Room and examined the floor carefully. Success! I found a contact lens! I asked all the guests if it belonged to them. Ian said he wouldn't be allowed to serve in the Guards if his eye-sight wasn't perfect. Jack said there was nothing wrong with his eye-sight either. Wendish wore glasses, Hyde a monocle and, though Vivien admitted wearing contact lenses, she removed both of hers to show she was still wearing them! The gong sounded and we went in to dinner. I noticed that Bolitho placed a note on Jack's napkin so I sneakily read it. It seemed the servants, by arrangement in Lionel's will, were leaving the castle once the gong had been rung for dinner. One, Gladys, wouldn't be coming back. She had handed in her notice and left an explanatory note on the desk in the sitting room. I vowed to look for that later. The meal was just getting pleasantly under way when a voice came from the bust of Lionel that was in the room! I examined the bust and found it was hollow with a tape recorder in it. Obviously, Lionel had planned this evening well. He said that there was one valuable item he had brought back from his travels abroad hidden in the house. The first clue to find it was hidden under the punchbowl and Jack had the second. I read them both. The first was a picture of Tresyllian Castle with clouds of mist hiding the full moon. Lionel said the first clue was just to sharpen our wits. The second said - My first is an "I", but find an eye that sees not. The meal finished. In the kitchen I found a lantern which I took. Then, with the second clue on my mind, I wandered the castle till I came to the Games Room. In there were two stuffed heads, a rhino and a buffalo. I examined the rhino head and found that one of its glass eyes was pointing backwards! I got the eye and found a third clue. This one said - My second is in never but not in ever and lies in a hidden end. In the office, on a desk, next to an ink well, I found a journal. It had been written by Lionel and was of his Amazon expedition. It gave the description of a treasure, Moonmist, a drug from a rare Amazon plant, the moonflower. Apparently, the natives use it to tip their poison darts but it is also a valuable medicine. The plant should be gathered when the full moon is misted over - which explained the picture we had been given as our first clue. It looked as though the treasure we were seeking was this mysterious Moonmist. As the other guests were relaxing in the Sitting Room, I decided to search their rooms - not quite the "British" thing to do, I know, but, then, I'm an American, and an American detective too. In a medical kit in Wendish's room, I found a small box. Inside was a contact lens with room for another one. With that, a voice disturbed me - Wendish had entered the room and was extremely cross to find that I was searching it. I apologized and asked him about the contact lens box. He said it wasn't his and that someone must have planted it in his room. By now I was starting to feel that there was something rather suspicious about the doctor but, for the moment, I had no proof so left his room. I did, however, notice that the two lenses matched when I compared them. I returned to the sitting room to read the maid's note. It seemed she had found something dreadful while cleaning someone's room (no name was mentioned) and also said that she refused to stay under the same roof where "things" were going on. At the end of the note she said that her old dad had always said that the first sign of madness was talking to yourself but, as far as she was concerned, doing the same on paper was a sign that that's the kind of person to watch out for. I returned to my room and entered the secret passage. In a dead end behind a portrait of one of Jack's ancestors, which had a convenient peep-hole in it, giving a clear view down the stairs, I found the fourth clue. This said - My third is the silent side of knight; all together, I am what you could use for poison pen letters. I .... N .... K ..... ink! I dashed back to the library where I had spotted the ink well. When I examined the ink well, I found Moonmist! It was a green liquid with a strong odour. I had found the missing treasure. But what could the maid have meant about someone writing things down? The obvious place to look seemed to be the library so I went into there and examined the books. Ah-ha! A lab notebook! Grabbing it, I read it. It held incriminating evidence of Dr Wendish's fiendish experiments on patients at his clinic. In it, it said he had finally taken care of Poldark's grand-daughter, but that it was a pity she had discovered facts of his end. Poldark was Deirdre's grandfather, so it looked as though Wendish had been responsible for her "accident" in the well. As Wendish seemed to be the villain of the piece, I concluded he must also be the "ghost", so I sneaked back to his room through the secret passages. He was asleep and I searched his room again. If only I had been more thorough earlier! Can you guess where I found the ghost costume? In the same medical kit where I had found the contact lens box! I woke Wendish - he was very surprised to see me. I'll bet! When I accused him, he made a lunge for me but who should turn up to grab him but the faithful Bolitho! It turned out that Deirdre had suspected that her grandfather had died because of Wendish's experiments on his patients. She went to Lionel, begging him to investigate Wendish who, when he discovered what they were up to, silenced both of them. He masqueraded as the ghost to look for the treasure and carried out the attacks on Tamara to make everyone think Deirdre was still alive!