***************************STOP PRESS***************************** AND NOW! A special report from our intrepid hero Roger Wilco from a junk yard somewhere in Andromeda. -------------------------SPACE QUEST III-------------------------- Sent in by Phil Darke EXIT POD - S - S - E - stand in front of bucket conveyor until you are carried up and dumped on a conveyor belt - STAND - JUMP - W - W - W - GET IN GRABBER - W (grabber makes a U turn) - E - stop grabber about 2/3 to the right of the screen - PRESS BUTTON - E - E - E - E - stop grabber at bottom right hand corner -PRESS BUTTON - W - W - W - W - stop grabber by square blue pad in control room - exit grabber - S - down chute - W - GET REACTOR - E - N - CLIMB LADDER - N - N - E - into tanker - you get mugged by a rat - W - W - S - DOWN LADDER - S - W GET REACTOR - E - N - CLIMB LADDER - GET LADDER - N - E - E - into tanker - GET WIRE (left hand side of screen) - E - LOOK - walk to front left of head near vents - ENTER HEAD - walk to other side of middle ship - USE LADDER - OPEN HATCH -LOOK IN HOLE - CONNECT WIRE - PUT REACTOR IN HOLE - LOOK COMPUTER - CLICK ON PILOT SEAT - LOOK SCREEN - CLICK ON ENGINES - CLICK ON RADAR - CLICK ON TAKE OFF - the ship starts to take off but the ascent is halted by an obstruction - CLICK ON FRONT SHIELDS - FIRE - CLICK ON NAVIGATION SYSTEM - SET COURSE FOR PHLEEBUT - LAND - EXIT SHIP W - W - W - N - N - ENTER WORLD O' WONDERS - SELL GEM - the store keeper will offer 350 BUCKAZOIDS - NO - 400 - NO - 425 - YES - BUY ORAT - BUY HAT - BUY UNDERWEAR - EXIT -the terminator catches you he gives you 10 seconds start - W - N - E (into foot)-PRESS BUTTON - UP - walk to left rear of upper platform - wait until the terminator comes up to the upper platform - as he walks towards you - PUSH PULLEY - D - EXAMINE TERMINATOR - GET BELT - ENTER LIFT - D - RETURN TO SHIP - TAKE OFF - SET COURSE FOR MONOLITH BURGER - LAND - WALK TO COUNTER - BUY FOOD - SIT - EAT FOOD - W - LOOK MACHINE - INSERT BUCKAZOID - keep playing the game until a message appears on the screen this is in a strange character set but if you have the patience to decipher it, it reads :- HELP US! WE ARE BEING HELD CAPTIVE BY SCUMSOFT ON THE SMALL MOON ON PESTULON. AN IMPENETRABLE FORCE FIELD SURROUNDS THE MOON. IT MUST FIRST BE DEACTIVATED IT'S ORIGIN IS UNKNOWN TO US. SCUMSOFT SECURITY IS ARMED WITH JELLO PISTOLS WE'RE COUNTING ON YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE. TWO GUYS IN TROUBLE BACK TO THE SHIP - ENTER SHIP - SET COURSE FOR ORTEGA - LAND -WEAR UNDERWEAR - EXIT SHIP - S - W - S - S - you see two pirates, they leave - EXAMINE EQUIPMENT - LOOK THROUGH TELESCOPE - LOOK CRATE - GET DETONATOR - E - E - E - UP - to crater rim, right past the rocks then down into volcano - W - N - E - CLIMB LADDER - THROW DETONATOR INTO HOLE - DOWN - W - W - W - GET POLE(from anemometer) N - USE POLE - RETURN TO SHIP - SET COURSE FOR PESTULON - LAND - S - USE BELT - ENTER SCUMSOFT - PRESS BUTTON - ENTER DOOR - on emerging from door turn right and enter the first door on your right (left of screen) - LOOK - you are in a janitors closet WHERE ELSE?! - SEARCH CLOSET - GET COVERALLS - you find a vaporizer - EXIT CLOSET - turn right, enter the next door on the opposite side of the corridor ACCOUNTS OFFICE - you must empty all the waste bins by - USE VAPORIZER - if you overlook one or miss with the vaporizer 3 times a security alarm is raised. Carry on around the office until you reach the office of ELMO PUG. If he is in his office, empty the waste bin and leave. Return to Elmo's office and - LOOK DESK - GET KEYCARD - Return to the accounts office entrance - W - you see a picture of Elmo on the partition - GET PICTURE - W - N - OPEN COPIER - USE COPIER - REPLACE PICTURE - EXIT OFFICE - turn right, walk to the next entrance - USE KEYCARD - USE PICTURE - ENTER DOOR - PRESS BUTTON - CROSS BRIDGE - USE VAPORIZER - You now get captured by Scumsoft security and have to take part in a duel. (This is one of the tricky arcade bits ). When you have beaten your opponent you and the two Andromedans leg it to your ship - SET SPEED TO SLOWEST (16) - TAKE OFF - ATTACK SPEED - CLICK ON DEFENCE SYSTEM - You will now be pursued by Scumsoft fighters. The next part is very tricky and took all night to complete after much cursing and many SAVES. A FEW HINTS. 1. DON'T WASTE YOUR SHIELDS, WATCH THE RADAR SCREEN AND ONLY ACTIVATE THE SHIELDS WITH "F" OR "B" WHEN YOU ARE WARNED OF ATTACKING SHIPS 2. SWITCH OFF SHIELDS WHEN YOU ARE NOT ACTUALLY UNDER ATTACK. 3. THE ATTACKING SHIPS COME AT YOU IN WAVES OF 3 FROM THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE SCREEN OR SINGLY FROM THE LEFT. 4. DON'T BOTHER WITH THE WAVES OF 3. JUST MAKE SURE YOU HAVE FRONT SHIELDS ACTIVATED WHEN THEY ATTACK. WHEN THE SINGLE SHIPS ATTACK CLICK ON THEM WITH THE MOUSE, AND FIRE WITH THE SPACE BAR (I couldn't get the joystick to work and the arrow keys are not very responsive, is this a bug?!) 5. UNLESS YOU ARE A REAL ARCADE ACE, SAVE YOUR GAME AFTER EACH KILL When you have destroyed 5 ships they break off the attack. This is nearly the end of the game. I won't spoil it by giving away the end sequence, suffice to say it is the best yet. Can we look forward to SPACE QUEST IV? The final sequence seemed to suggest so. I finished the game with a score of 663 out of a possible 738 if any one knows where the missing 75 points are, I would be most interested to hear. Finally a word of thanks to my son Mark for his assistance with the arcade bits, which I would never have done alone. I hope you enjoy playing SQ3 as much as I did, Good Luck and Good Adventuring. Phil Darke