How can I get into the house? There is only one way in. From your starting location, south, east & through the window. How can I pass the troll? There's only one way past. Kill him using the sword. That thief is driving me mad! Move out of the room as soon as he turns up. If he steals anything, you will get it back later. How can I get down from the Dome Room? I hope you found the attic in the house? Tie the rope to the railing and climb down the rope. How can I get down the hole with the coffin? - it's too big! If you try it, you'll be told you haven't a prayer.... It's a hint - pray and you'll be transported. What should I do with the sceptre? Take it to Rainbow's End and wave it. The rainbow will solidify. Now LOOK to see something valuable. What should I do at the dam? Press yellow button in Maintenance Room, go back to the dam. Now, turn the bolt with the wrench to open the dam. How can I get into Hades? You'll need the matches, bell, book and candles. Ring bell, light candles with match, read book. What can I do in the Mirror Room? You can find another exit. Rub the mirror and you will be transported. How can I deal with the bat? Bats don't like a particular item. Carry the garlic. How can I get a light to the Drafty Room? The basket in the Shaft Room looks useful. Put torch in basket, lower it, then collect it the other end. What should I do with the coal? Put it in the machine. Close the machine. Then turn the switch with the screwdriver. What is the pile of folded plastic? It's a boat! Inflate it with the air pump. What use is the buoy? Get it and see! Open it to find a treasure. How can I pass the cyclops? Frighten him with a name from his past. Type in "Ulysses" or "Odysseus". How can I open the egg? You can't! Only one person can open it. The thief can open it. How can I kill the thief? Wait till near the end of the game. Use the knife - but SAVE first. What should I do with the canary? Where would you expect to find a songbird? Climb back up the tree, wind the canary to get another treasure. How can I get the platinum bar? Think what is going on in this room..... Type "echo" and you will be able to take the bar. What should I do to finish? Put all your treasures in the case to get a message. Follow its advice, get the map and enter the barrow.