Future Wars - Getting You Started Sent in by Bill Wernham 1)Examine scaffolding, operate red button 2)Take bucket, operate window 3)Enter room, take red plastic bag from waste bin 4)Examine bottom left corner of carpet and take key 5)Enter bathroom, open cupboard, take insecticide 6)Use bucket on sink, open WC door and take red flag 7)Go back to room, use full bucket on middle door, operate right-hand door 8)Enter room, close door, examine desk, open drawer and take paper 9)Open middle cupboard on north wall, examine typewriter and note code (40315) 10)Examine large map, use flag in small hole 11)Enter secret passage, examine box, key in code 12)Examine machine, operate green button, put paper in slot, operate red button, enter transporter In Swamp 1)Go to left side of screen, use insecticide on mosquitoes, examine glint left of mosquitoes, take pendant, walk off left side of screen 2)Examine foot of tree, take rope, use rope on large branch, wait, take tunic and slacks, walk off left side of screen 3)Go to left side of new screen, between tree and castle, walk off screen 4)Go to big tree centre of clearing, operate tree, a coin will fall from habit, examine ground, take coin 5)Go back to inn, enter inn, use coin on innkeeper 6)Go to castle, use pendant on guard, enter castle 7)Leave at the bottom of castle screen, examine glint under wolf 8)Go back to lake, fill plastic bag, go quickly as possible back to wolf, use full bag on wolf 8)Go back to guard, take lance, go back to clearing, use lance on habit 9)Go back to wolf location, enter abbey, follow monks, walk only in a clockwise direction, do not cross line, enter left-hand door 10)Wait till monk speaks, do as he says. Go back to main area, walk round to the right-hand door, enter, wait and listen to monk 11)Go back to left-hand room, enter and take cup, back to main area, enter top door, down into cellar, fill cup from top left barrel, take it back to Father 12)Use cup on Father, he will fall asleep drunk, examine Father, get remote device, operate remote device on piece of furniture, take magnetic card. Go back to cellar 13)Operate remote on top centre barrel, enter secret room 14)Examine glass case to get gas capsule, examine console, use magnetic card in console and free Lana......the computer will do the rest till the next part.