Hacker 2 - Activision Sent in by P J Darke I originally played and completed Hacker 2 on the Spectrum some time ago and completed this solution and the accompanying map (see Screenshots section for the map) at the time. However, this solution is equally valid for the Atari S.T. The Doomsday Papers are contained in a vault which must be opened and delivered to an agent at the entrance to the complex. Before opening the vault, however, 4 filing cabinets must be opened in the correct sequence to obtain the combination to the vault, the sequence is 31,37,33,35. The complex is monitored by security monitors and patrolled by a guard, and you must avoid being seen by either the monitors or the guard. Locations 1 to 30 are monitored by monitor A in sequence and takes 30 seconds to monitor all locations. The remaining 8 locations are monitored by monitor B. The guard takes 5 minutes to patrol the complex following the route (shown in yellow) on the map. I have also shown the times at which the guard passes each location during the first 5 minutes. For further timings simply add multiples of 5 minutes to the timings shown. The best way of getting to each of the cabinets without being seen is as follows:- 1. Set 1st screen to monitor A 2. Set 2nd screen to VTR, channel 31. Adjust the timing by using F/F and R/W so that it matches the timing on monitor A then set to bypass. 3. Repeat the procedure at 2 for the 3rd screen but set to channel 37. 4. On the 4th screen select to TGS followed by MRU. 5. Taking care not to be seen by the guard or monitor move to location 31, position the MRU directly in front of the filing cabinet and turn to face it. When prompted by the computer enter the command ROA followed by the code BLUE1. Reply Y when asked if you wish to disable the alarms. 6. Next move to location 37 and repeat the procedure using the code RED7. Before moving on, set the second screen to bypass channel 33. Repeat this procedure for the final two cabinets ensuring that the appropriate camera is bypassed before moving to it. With careful timing you can open all 4 filing cabinets. 7. Having opened all 4 cabinets you are now ready to tackle the vault, this is rather more difficult as the vault is monitored by 4 cameras, all of which must be bypassed. This means that you will not have a screen to set up on TGS and you must navigate blind. Fortunately this is not quite as difficult as it sounds as long as you remember which way the MRU is facing and listen to the noise it makes as you can tell from this when you are facing a wall. 8. To open the vault go to the room at the top right of the screen as this is not monitored. Set the 4 screens to bypass cameras 32,34,36 and 38. 9. Wait until a suitable time when you will not be seen by cameras 18 or 19 then leave the room, turn right and go to the top of the passage, turn left and move forward for exactly 10 seconds. This should place you directly in front of the vault. Turn right and enter ROA followed by the combination obtained from the filing cabinets. 10. Having opened the vault, take a file and go to the entrance. The easiest way of doing this is via the right hand passage, again taking care not to be observed by cameras or guard. Go to the bottom of the right hand passage and turn right, go forward for 10 seconds. This should place you in front of the entrance, turn left and go forward. You will now be met by the FBI agent who will give you further instructions.