Return to Eden - The Riddles Sent in by Marion Taylor I am the genie in the box, I think but I am not. I have no arms or legs, and yet I work until I'm hot. To talk to me you hit my head and coffee makes me fail. I have no mouth and so I must eat my food through my tail. Answer: COMPUTER What goes on four feet, on two feet, then three but the more feet it goes on, the weaker it be. Answer: MAN The rich man wants it, the wise man is sure of it. The fool understands it, but the poor man already has it. Answer: NOTHING Our blood is cold, we do not sleep. Quiet whispers are our talk. We are the giants who eat the sun, beneath our arms men walk. Answer: TREES This blind God conquers all, with a kind of madness. Foolishness from wisdom, happiness from sadness. Answer: LOVE You all know me, you don't trust me, yet you give me life. Without muscles, I am mighty, no man is my chief. You can't see me, only hear me, I'm the secret's chief. Answer: RUMOUR A great healer, wasted yet kept by many. Beaten, he runs out and flies away. Answer: TIME When I come, you don't feel me. I am here, though you can't see me. When I've left you, you won't miss me. No one even know what I be. Yet I am your most valuable possession. Answer: LIFE A pet to many folk belongs, to welcome us he licks warmly. Hungry, he eats with raging tongues, a dangerous playmate he. Answer: FIRE