Ultima IV - Helplines No. 1 compiled by Ron Rainbird Virtue Town Rune Location Mantra Shrine Location Honesty Moonglow Left of entrance AHM Dagger Isle by Mariah's Gold Compassion Britain Inn; end of Hall: MU East across two found after bridges from sleeping 1 night Town Valour Jhelom Find Nostro and RA Next isle down ask him from Jhelom Justice Yew Go to jail BEH East then North; tip of bay's right claw Virtue Town Rune Location Mantra Shrine Location Sacrifice Minoc In fires of the CAH On a lake to the forge East Honour Trinsic SW corner of SUMM South and West Trinsic beyond the Swamps Spirituality Skara Treasure Room OM Enter Moongate Brae in Castle near Minoc when Britannia, full moon search Humility Paws (a Hills in SE LUM North bank of village) corner of village the isle of the Abyss; isle is SE of Britannia