Zork 2 - The Bank and the Oddly-Angled Rooms There are two parts of Zork 2 that can't be adequately explained in the 3-in-1 hints section. These are the Bank and the Oddly-Angled Rooms. If you want to know exactly how to do these sections, then read on. 1. The Bank. The purpose of this section is to get a pile of bills out of the Vault without setting off the alarm. To do this, start from the Entrance to the Bank. Go NE, then east into the Safety Depository, then south into the Office and the get the portrait. Go north again. Now "enter light" to find yourself in a small room. "Enter south wall" (remember what you read about the tellers appearing to walk through walls?) and you're back in the Depository. "Enter light" again and you'll be in the Vault. Get the bills, "enter north wall" and you'll be back in the Depository. Drop the bills and portrait,, go east to the East Tellers Room, east to the Depository, get your "loot" again and "enter light". You're now in the East Viewing Room. Go south to the Bank Entrance and you can now leave without the alarms going off. 2. The Oddly-Angled Rooms. Go down the stairs to the first of the rooms of this maze. Things are not always what they seem here and the exact direction to go at this point is not constant. Try east first and if you can't go that way then try west. Either way, you should find a club. Get the club and go SE, NE, NW, SW. Watch the room descriptions carefully as you do this, the little diamonds on the floor should get brighter as you move - you are actually "running the bases". When you have done this correctly, you'll hear a noise in the distance. Now, try to go either north or south (it varies). If one doesn't work, try the other and if neither works, try east or west. There will be a staircase leading down but ignore it for the moment and go up instead to leave.