Random Thoughts on Bloodwych Sent in by Bill Wernham (Mostly concerning a one-player game, though I have also completed it as a two-player game.) Your team is best made up with one of each of the character classes ie a fighter, a mage, an adventurer, an archer. Use the following combination for a well balanced team. Class Psyche Types Magic Types Fighter.........Spade..................Green Mage............Clubs..................Yellow Adventurer......Hearts.................Red Archer..........Diamonds...............Blue This way each character will be able to use the magic artifacts relative to his/her magic alignment. When buying spells, buy only in order that they are offered, and only buy spells corresponding to the character's magic colour. Do not be tempted to skip spells or dodge from colour to colour, as most spells will be required to complete the game. When a character has all the spells for his/her colour, then feel free to let him/her pick and choose. At the beginning of the game, select 3 of your chosen group, then select, one by one, the other characters in the game, rob them of all their goodies, then dismiss them and kill them. When this has been done, then recruit your last member. You will need to do this in order to get enough food to get you started in the game. In a two-player game the same format applies, but share the loot as food is really tight. It is a good idea for one of the two players to select the skeleton as part of his/her team, as he does not require food. Set up your team in the following format: Spade "Fighter" Heart "Adventurer" Club "Mage" Diamond "Archer" Your diamond is your best leader as he/she is the only one who can see "magic walls". Also as he/she is your archer, he/she can also attack from a distance. Always have attacking spells made up in advance. Do not bother buying armour for your team at the traders, but sell excess weapons instead. You will find more than enough armour as you enter the game. In a two-player game it's best to buy some, though you will find enough eventually. When fighting monsters, never fight them head on. Find a square, lead them to it and fight them there; that way you will be able to attack from the side and from the back as you move around the square. In a two-player game, when food is getting tight, before you attack a monster or character, trade with them first. Ask if they have anything to sell. They will then sell you one item eg a shield or sword. Buy it, then ask again if they have anything to sell. They will then sell you food for 1 gold piece. You will have to repeat the asking and offering format, but at least you get food. You should be able to get enough food to keep you going using this method. You will find magical rings for each colour. Only the character with the same alignment can use the rings. The rings enable the character to cast spells without using mana, but the rings must be recharged after being used 5 times. Anybody who has a recharge spell can recharge a ring. It is best to wear the ring in the left hand (right one as you look at the screen) Most puzzles are easy to work out, this is true more so in the one-player game. In the two-player game you will have to work together to solve some of the puzzles. The game is played all on one level, the stairs are only a means to go from one part to the next. Monsters can open doors once you have opened them, so if you're looking for a place to hide, remember to lock the door using a common key if you don't want to be attacked in your sleep. The mazes in the game are easily solved, as they mostly work on the "spinner system". There is one rather tricky puzzle in the one-player game, where you have to collect a crystal from the wall. On the floor in front of the crystal is a teleport system. In order to avoid being teleported, you must leave one of your group in the location where you would be teleported to. This also applies at the end of the game when you place the crystals in their allotted positions. In a two-player game, one of the players just remains behind in these locations.