Competition Congratulations to Neil Shipman who won competition 2 - name the adventures and the series - in the last issue. He won three free issues of Spellbreaker! magazine. Many thanks to Mike Brailsford, the editor of Spellbreaker! magazine for putting up the prize. Neil did especially well to win considering I forgot to leave a space for answer 5 on the entry form!! Anyway, the answers to the competition were: 1. Knight Orc 2. Ingrid's Back 3. Nord and Bert 4. Gold Rush 5. Shards of Time 6. Questron (II) 7. Uninvited 8. Essex 9. Stationfall 10. Tass Times in Tone Town and the series was King's Quest. What about competition 1? Well, no-one entered it! And, in fact, Neil was the only person to enter competition 2. In case anyone wants to know the answers to compo 1, they were: 1. Larry Laffer 2. Rosella 3. Roger Wilco 4. Jerrod Wilson 5. Sonny Bonds 6. Edgar Last chance - this issue I am giving away 3 issues of SynTax. On the following frame you'll find a word-puzzle containing 12 adventure titles. Just find them, circle them on a printout and send it to me before 15th April 1990. The person who finds the most (or preferably, all of them) will get 2 free issues of SynTax, the second prize (or in the event of a draw, the second one out of the hat) will win 1 free issue. If anyone hasn't got a printer and wants a printout of the puzzle, just send me an SAE and I'll send a copy back by return. If there's a distinct lack of enthusiasm, this will be the last competition and I'll use the space for something else. Okay, here comes the puzzle..... S H S O R N M K J E S E Z O T C E F W A X S Z N N O I T P U R R O C N O X X A G D C F O N D W E S T S R B X I E V A E F I Z F E Y D H N H X B S J T A R J A M J E H W T U S H E D D M I A F A T E Q W L C A I V P U K A I U I S C P U C Y N B Y H H M L A N C E L O T I B I T B K S U K M I B V E O K W C H J M U W H N D P