Editorial Hello again! Welcome to Issue 5 of SynTax - only one more issue and SynTax will be getting ready for its first birthday. I don't know about you, but the time has really flown for me. I'm glad that you're enjoying reading the magazine as much as I am enjoying producing it. Welcome to new readers, most of whom have discovered SynTax through the recent write-ups/reviews in ST Format, New Computer Express and Spellbreaker! - thanks to Mike Gerrard, Steve Carey and John Brailsford for their support. So, what's in store for you this issue? Apart from the usual mix of reviews, hints, solutions, pix and info, there is a great article by Angelina the Dangerously Sane about playing multi-user games (MUGs). I know quite a few of you have already tried one of the many MUGs about, if you haven't, you really ought to give one a try, so long as your phone bill can stand the shock! They are great fun and you'll meet a lot of very interesting characters while you're playing. But you can find you spend a lot more time on there than you originally intended! There are a few more maps in this issue, this time of Bard's Tale. Like the Hacker 2 map from last issue, they are done with Degas and then compacted using STOS. If anyone wants a hard copy of any of these maps, just send me an SAE and I'll post one back by return. Incidentally, Neil Shipman discovered (while trying to do a screen dump of the Hacker 2 map from within SynTax) that if you press ALT/HELP, the screenshots will pause for about 30 seconds. This is handy to know for the early issues but remember to turn your printer off first! However, in this issue you can choose to look at the screenshots/maps singly or as a carousel as before. Thanks to ARC for a review copy of Prince (and also one of Armada which will be reviewed in the next issue) and to Jack Lockerby of River Software for sending a review copy of his latest adventure twin-pack, The Challenge and The Thief. I'm very grateful to all the people who sent in contributions for SynTax. It would be almost impossible to produce the magazine without you - and it certainly wouldn't be such good reading! If I could make a plea for a few specific items for future issues and my files, if anyone can help with 3-in-1 hints for Zak McKracken, Space Quests 1 and 2, King's Quests 2 and 3 and 3-in-1 hints and/or solutions to Ooze, Time, Hound of Shadow, Mindfighter, Mortville Manor, Drakkhen or any of the other new games, please (please!) send them in. Any other contributions will, as always, be very welcome. I am currently compiling a fifth ST solution disk, so if you send in any solutions (or have sent them in already) and don't want them included on the disk, please let me know. All contributions to the disk will be credited, of course. Well, that's it from me for another issue. Keep adventuring! Sue