Future Wars - Delphine Sent in by Andy Stenhouse On the scaffolding, take bucket, examine scaffolding, operate red button. Go to the window and operate window. In the office, go to the bin and take the plastic bag. Go to the bathroom, open the cupboard and take the insecticide. Open the WC and take the little red flag. Use the bucket on the sink and it will fill with water. Go into the other room and walk over the front right-hand corner of the carpet. You'll feel something underneath it. Operate the carpet and you will find a key. Go to the door in the north wall and use the bucket on the door. Go to the door on the east wall and open it. You will now be in a small office. Use the key on the second cupboard from the left, examine the close-up of the typewriter and write down the numbers. Go to the desk and open the drawer then take the paper. Examine the map, then use the small flag on the little hole in the close-up. This is very hard to find but you can see a small grey dot on the map. When you enter the passage, you must be very quick. Examine the small purple patch on the north wall. This will show you a keypad. Very quickly, operate the numbers from the typewriter on the keypad. The door will now open. Go in and to the right and you will be in a lab. Examine the machine in the centre of the room. Use the paper in the slot then operate the green button, then the red button. Now you must hurry! Take the documents and walk into the spotlight and you will be transported to the swamp. You must only walk on the green parts. Go to the mosquitoes - careful - they bite! Use the insecticide on them. Go to the left of the screen and you will see a glint of light. Examine the glint and you will find a pendant. Go off the screen to the left. Go to the tree by the lake and examine the base of the tree, you'll find a rope. Use the rope on the branch. A man will come and swim in the lake. You must take his clothes. Then walk off the screen to the left. Go to the bridge and use the pendant on the guard. Now go behind the castle into the woods. There is a monk's habit in a tree. Operate the tree and a coin will drop. Examine the ground to get the coin. Now go back to the inn and open the door. You must give the coin to the innkeeper. You'll overhear a conversation. Now leave the inn, go to the guard and use the pendant on him again. When you leave the castle, the guard is asleep so take his lance. Now go back to the tree with the habit and use the lance on the habit. Go to the lake and use the plastic bag on the lake. Now you must be quick - go back to the left and then to the south. Stand on the bridge and use the bag on the wolf. In the monastery, you must walk around the outside part of the screen in a clockwise direction. Go to the door on the east wall. The Father Superior asks for a drink. Go out. Enter the door on the west wall and get the cup. Now go to the door on the north wall and enter. Climb the ladder and use the cup on the top right-hand barrel. Go out. Enter the door on the east wall. The Father Superior will get drunk. Examine him and you will find a remote control. Use the control on the furniture and you get a card. Go back to the cellar. Climb the ladder and use the control on the second barrel on the top row. You are now in a lab. Go behind the glass case and examine it. You will find a capsule. Now use the card on the console. After a long sequence, you will be in the future. Go to the far right of the screen. Examine the rubble and you will find a blowtorch. Go off the screen to the right and examine the rubble with the white bit to find some fuses. Go to the mound of rubble in the centre of the screen and operate it to find a manhole. Operate this and enter the sewer. Go right twice and you will see a tap. Use the blowtorch on the tap. Then go round the corner and continue till you find a monster. Use the blowtorch on the monster. You will now climb a ladder. Walk to the doors and use the lance on the camera. Enter the door and walk to the machine. Examine the coin collector to get a coin. Use the coin on the money slot. It will not work the first time so operate the machine and examine the coin collector again to get the coin back and use it on the slot again to get a newspaper. Now wait for a train and board it. Go down the stairs and use the fuses on the fuses. Go up the stairs and talk to the hostess. Go up the escalator when she checks her make-up. You will be captured. In the cell, you must use the key on the air duct. Now use the capsule on it, then very quickly use the newspaper on it. The door will open. Go through. Another long sequence later, you will be in a cave. Go down then off-screen to the left. You must now shoot the Crughons. Use the mouse for this. Examine Lo'Ann to get a pill. Examine her again to get the pendant. Use the pendant on Lo'Ann. Examine the Crughon for a card, then enter the ship. Use the card on the reader then operate the case. Take the garment and use it on the camera. Enter the case, operate it to close it and the ship will fly to the Crughon base. Stand beside the door and use the pill when it starts to open. Quickly leave the ship and hide behind the boxes. Open the large box. Leave the box and find the lab. Use the card on the console. When you've done this, find the exit and that's it - the end!! @~For details of the final maze of ladders and walkways, see the @~hints section of this issue.