Wizard's Tower - PD, available on SynTax disk PD6 Sent in by Chris Lloyd (the author) This is a complete solution to Wizard's Tower. Since there are many ways of defeating each creature, this is not a definitive solution. WARNING : READING THIS CAN SPOIL THE ENJOYMENT OF THE GAME !! LEVELS ONE AND TWO North - open door - west - north - attack orc ( twice ) - examine orc - get iron key - north - get pendant - return to entrance hall east - open door - south - examine food - get meat - north - cast detect - examine stone - press button - north - west - put pendant on plinth - get brass key - return to small room - unlock door open door - north - up - unlock door - open door - east - pray to somar - west - south - unlock and open chest - get talisman south examine alcove - feed dog meat - examine straw - get wand - north east - south - cast shield - examine table - attack sorcerer ( twice ) - examine table - get black book - return to damp chamber open chest - cast fireball ghoul - get coin - return to empty chamber - cast shield - east - cast shield - north - attack ogre ( three times ) - north - examine door - put coin in slot north - up LEVEL THREE South - cast fireball door - open door - east - examine rubbish get silver key - west - west - west ( click ) - east ( boom ) west - west - north - disbelieve dragon - north - west - pull lever - east - examine niche - get crystal - east - unlock and open door - up - dig in rubble - get chalice - down - west - west cast detect - unlock - north - up LEVEL FOUR West - west - use talisman on spectre - west - examine work-bench eat powder - examine table - examine bottles - examine flask drink liquid - cast cure - east until troll - attack troll - cast fireball troll - east - drink water - fill chalice water - put chalice on altar - south - get staff - return to large room - move stone - south - put staff in hole LEVEL FIVE Examine shelf - examine statues - get figurine - get brazier smash figurine - get gold key - unlock and open door - east examine scrolls - get scroll - cast detect - get gold book - west cast banish - west - north - cast unlock chest - open chest - get gem - pull lever - open door - west - drop items until weight carried is 15 or less pounds - jump - drop items jump back and pick up items left - jump - west - west - examine bricks - examine hole - get ring - south - get bracer - wear bracer - north - east open door - north - examine fresco - examine hole - put brazier in hole - south - south - pull lever - north - west - south LEVEL SIX South - cast cure - cast dispel golem - cast destruction golem attack golem - get dart - south - examine carvings - press white button - press orange button - put gem in hole - cast heal - south west - attack minotaur ( three times ) - get axe - west - use axe on door - open door - cast heal - north - throw dart hydra - cast destruction hydra ( three times ) - cast heal - cast fireball hydra - north - up - FINISHED ! You should have plenty of power points left. The minimum number of moves is around 300.