Wizard's Tower - author Chris Lloyd (PD) STAC adventure (text/graphics) Reviewed by Graham Wheeler After many months of playing Adventures which for some unknown reason were full of Arcade sequences and RPGs which were just Hack 'n' Slay games with little or no real Role Playing elements at all, I was ready to give up trying to find anything worth playing on my ST. Luckily I decided to take a look at the PD software advertised in SynTax and purchased Wizard's Tower. In Wizard's Tower you play the part of a novice magic-user, keen to expand your skills. You have arrived at the famous Wizard Marek's Tower in the hope that he will teach you, but things have gone very wrong here, the Tower has become over-run by evil creatures and nobody has seen Marek for some time. The locals tell you that many have entered the Tower to steal or explore but few have ever been seen again. You stand outside the entrance, determined to enter and retrieve the Great Wizard's Spell Books. Now this may sound like the plot of many other adventures but don't be put off, a lot of hard work and thought has been put into the game and it certainly does not lack originality. On loading the adventure I was immediately impressed by the clear text and atmospheric room descriptions. I liked the black and white graphics which, although fairly simple in nature, were well-drawn and effective and could be easily turned off if not required. The game features an Oops command and several useful abbreviations like "Ex" for examine, which goes a long way to making an adventure user-friendly. I also found the parser easy to get to grips with, in fact in made a refreshing change to be allowed to "type" instead of having to "click" - or, with my mouse control, perhaps I should say fail to "click" - at various points over the screen trying to find objects and input commands. The adventure was enjoyable to play. The problems were well thought out and the fact that many of them could be tackled in more than one way added extra interest. It proved to be quite a challenge trying to find the most economical solution in order to preserve enough Hit Points and Spell Points to complete the game. I can honestly say that Wizard's Tower is one of the best adventures that I've played for a long time. I found no bugs or annoying inconsistencies to mar my enjoyment and at the price of a Public Domain disk, I can't recommend it highly enough. @~Wizard's Tower is available on SynTax disk PD 6 for œ2.50 @~(or send in a contribution on disk and get it for nothing - @~I never give up, do I?!)