Zork 3 - The Royal Puzzle Yes, it's the dreaded Royal Puzzle maze! The purpose of the maze is that it contains a book that you must collect. The feature of the maze is that, once inside, you have to manoeuvre a ladder under the hole so that you can find your way back out, and this is done by pushing the sandstone walls which are moveable. The marble walls are fixed. Even once you know what you're meant to be doing, it's not easy to complete. There are several ways to do it, this is one of them. Once in the maze, push the east wall, go south twice, east twice, push the south wall and get the book. That was easy! Now comes the hard part - getting out again. Push the south wall, go north four times, push the east wall, go west, south twice, west twice, north twice and push the east wall twice. Go south four times, east twice, north three times and push the west wall. Go east, south three times, west twice, north, push the east wall. Now go west twice, north-west, north twice, east twice, push the south wall twice. Go north twice, west three times, push the south wall, go north, east twice, south-east, east twice, south, push the south wall, go west, push the west wall twice, push the south wall, go west, push the north wall three times, go north-west and climb the ladder ....... phew!!! Oh yes, ignore the steel door. It may be a short cut for getting out but you'll have to use the book to open it and you'll never see the book again - so forget it!