Two For One - River Software/Zenobi œ4.99 (Two text adventures) "Mirror, mirror, on the wall? Who's the busiest software house of all?" asked the curious adventurer. The mirror clouded over, then cleared again. To the adventurer, it seemed as though he could reach into the glass and find it went on, and on, and on.... Slowly a series of symbols appeared in the depths of the mirror and rose towards the watcher. "Z-E-N-O-B-I" he read and gave a knowing smile. Not content with having what must surely be the largest range of Spectrum adventure software for sale, Zenobi recently branched out into 16-bit games - specifically ST ones, mostly written using STAC and of the so-called "homegrown" variety, sometimes ignored by certain glossy magazines but often avidly purchased and enjoyed by adventurers in general who know a good deal when they see it. Following Zenobi's acquisition of the marketing rights to River Software's Domes of Sha Tri-pack containing Domes of Sha, Mutant and Hammer of Grimmold and now renamed Three of the Best (which they are), they have lost no time in also taking on River's latest offering, The Challenge and The Thief - now known as Two For One. The two games were reviewed in the last issue of SynTax but now they are an even better deal. At that time they sold for œ4.95. Now, for an mere 4p extra, you get the disk in a snazzy, black, PVC folder with a neat Zenobi label on the outside in gold on black. Inside the folder are two pockets. One holds the disk but as that only takes up half the pocket, there's enough room to keep your save disk in there too. The other pocket contains several leaflets including the instruction sheet for the game, a list of the current Zenobi catalogue and several flyers including one for reasonably-priced blank disks. Zenobi promise a 24-hour turn round of orders which is an added bonus. Like me, you probably wonder why some firms take 3 weeks or more to put a game in a bag and post it! Not Zenobi - order from them and you'll be loading the disk before you know it. I was very impressed with The Challenge and The Thief when I played them and said at the time what a bargain they were. If you're serious about text adventures, you really shouldn't miss out on these games so why not peruse the Zenobi adverts in this issue and give them a try? It's true, you know, you ARE getting two great adventures for the price of one. Sue