Competition Thanks to everyone who entered the word puzzle competition in Issue 5. The response was much better than usual which has encouraged me to do another competition, but more on that later. The adventure titles hidden in the puzzle were: Amazon, Corruption, Deadline, Essex, Fish, Gateway, Pawn, West, Deja Vu, Lancelot, Jinxter and Cutthroats. And the winner was ...ta-ra!!... Alan Beer of Clifton, Bristol, who won 2 free issues of SynTax. Second prize of 1 free issue was won by Andy Thompson of Barton Turf, Norfolk. Congratulations to you both. I've decided to try another scrambled screenshot this issue so have a look at the screenshots section and if you can identify the competition screen, send in your guess and name and address to reach me by 15th June. The winner will win two free issues of SynTax or two free PD disks - whichever they prefer. If no-one gets it right, the prize will be carried on to the next competition. One clue for you - the screenshot is a loading screen...... Good luck!