Price of Magik - Spell List Sent in by Steven King Spell Focus Description BOM TRUMPET Brings some inanimate things to life. DED WHEEL Dead zone. Cancels all spells. DET CROSS Detects some dangers. DOW PENDULUM Tells if an object is magic. ESP CRYSTAL BALL Look into room in target direction. FIN SILVER MAIL Turns mail-wearing target into a fish. FIX VALERIAN Cure target. FLY BROOM Target can fly. Spell Focus Description HYP STAFF Hypnotise target so it obeys you. IBM BLUE BOX Makes target fearful and doubtful. KIL AXE Makes target berserk. MAD GRIMOIRE Makes target mad. SAN CLAW Makes target sane. SEE FELDSPAR LENS A spell to detect secret doors. SPY CANDLE See room where target is. XAM PRISM Examines magik properties of the target. Spell Focus Description ZAP ASHES Lightning strikes the target. ZEN LITTLE MIRROR Takes you to the Mists of Time.