Ultima IV - Helplines No. 3 compiled by Ron Rainbird GENERAL (TIPS AND CLUES) From the Altar Room of Dungeon "Deceit", entrance may be made into Dungeons "Shame" and "Hythloth". From the Altar Room of Dungeon "Destard", entrance may be made into Dungeon "Covetous" and those mentioned above. Visit the Guild Shop in "Vespers" and "Buccaneers' Den", where you may purchase Skeleton Keys, Magic Gems and, if you ask for Item "D", a Sextant. This latter item is a "must". To speed travel, horses may be purchased at the village of "Paws". The Dungeon "Shame" is at the end of "Lost River". From the Castle, there is a secret entrance to the Dungeon "Hythloth". Dungeon "Deceit" is by Dagger Island. Find Sloven, who lives near Lock Lake. Mentorian knows the Gate Travel Spell. He lives in a hidden village on Lock Lake, which can only be reached by ship. The Mandrake Root is found in the Fens of the Dead and the Bloody Plains, where the ground is always damp. The Book of Truth is in the Library of the Lyceum on Verity Isle - but it is not filed in alphabetical order! The Dungeon "Covetous" is on the Eastern Shore of Lost Hope Bay. The Smith named Zircon in Minoc knows of Mystic Arms, which are needed for the final battle in the Abyss. Ask for the skull in the Buccaneers' Den.