Dream Zone - Baudville RRP œ4.99 (Graphic adventure, type-in or mouse-driven) Reviewed by Phil Darke Lately you have been unable to sleep and suffer from nightmares, crying out in the night and waking bathed in sweat. Your family are unable to help and you are desperate. As a last resort, you answer an advert in the newspaper - PSYCHOMENTAL HELP - Call 555-5362 - Dr. Sigmund Fraud. Dr. Fraud analyses your problem and tells you "There is a monster in your mind who possesses no power by day but rules your thoughts at night, you must kill the beast. Tomorrow when you sleep, you will dream and if you can't get out of your dream you will not wake up". Dream Zone is a graphic adventure which can be either mouse-driven or you can type your commands into the command window in the usual way. When the game is loaded the screen is divided into two halves, the upper half comprising the picture area with movement icons to the right hand side. Below the picture window is the display line giving a description of your present location,the other characters present and the view you are looking at. Below this is a row of commands which can be used by clicking on them with the mouse. Commands available include LOOK-GET-DROP- TALK-GIVE-USE-BUY-HIT-OPEN. Below this is the description window which includes the inventory. Finally at the bottom of the screen is the command line. A number of pull-down windows control various options eg LOAD, SAVE, MUSIC ON/OFF etc. On loading the game you find yourself in your bedroom ready to start the adventure. The music is quite pleasant but rather repetitive and soon got on my nerves but can fortunately be turned off. Location descriptions are fairly detailed and the problems are generally fairly logical and with a couple of exceptions not too difficult. If you have ever encountered Town Hall Bureaucracy you will appreciate the chase to get the papers required to get an I.D. card. This can be a little frustrating but once you have mastered the geography of the place it becomes fairly easy, but make sure you have pen and paper at hand. Other highlights of the game include a visit to the fairground, a trip in an airship and a wedding. Overall a very enjoyable game, nicely presented and, for only œ4.99, a real bargain.