STARSHIP COLUMBUS - Gary McGath (On SynTax PD disk 15) Sent in by Neil Shipman N.B. The SAVE command doesn't work so you must finish this adventure in one go! Start in Execution Chamber E to Blue Corridor E, N, GET NOTE READ NOTE EXAMINE DESK LOOK UNDER DESK GET GUN S, E, U, to Pink Corridor N, GET KNIFE, S, W, W, N READ BOOK (It's Orphans of the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein - an excellent sci-fi novel!) S, E, E, U to Gray Corridor S, GET PIPE N, W, W READ PRINTOUT S, GET METER, N, E, E U to Beige Corridor (A maniac stops you going further west) N, GET CAN, S THROW CAN TO MANIAC (He tears it open) You now have two options: Either FIRE GUN AT MANIAC (He slumps to the floor, unconscious) Or SHOW NOTE TO MANIAC (He's no longer hostile) EAT FOOD (You're no longer starving) (You should now send off $10 to the author!) W, PUT DOWN GUN, W, S REMOVE GRILL WITH KNIFE, PUT DOWN KNIFE S, S, WAIT, WAIT until you can see a button PUSH BUTTON (The wall in front of you opens) S, S to Corridor E, D to Green Corridor W, S into Squash Court where a man waits for you to say something (If you're carrying the gun he'll run away) HELLO MAN (He leaves a card) GET CARD, N, E, D into Red Corridor D to Door with slot PUT CARD IN SLOT (The door opens) W, W (If you're carrying the gun you'll be zapped) A guard takes you to see Captain Lydia Remington EXAMINE PAINTING The Captain enters, explains your task and offers you a card GET CARD (You're escorted back outside the door) U to Red Corridor W, S to Games Room EXAMINE MACHINE (It starts automatically and gives you the instructions on how to play Missionary Chase Challenge) To get Murray across the river safely type MURRAY, before each of the following directions: N, NW, N, NE, S, S, NE, S, S, NE, N, NW, N He's now at the other bank and the winning message translates as: "Congratulations! If you would like to enter the next room, say Murray, Open the door" MURRAY, OPEN THE DOOR (The door to the west clicks and opens!) W, READ YELLOW NOTE (It has Swan, Raven, Jay, Swan, Canary on it) E, N, W (Meter starts ticking) W (You've now got a dose of radiation) GET ROPE, E, E, E, U, U, W N, N, N, N, N to Beige Corridor E, PUT DOWN METER If you first fired gun at maniac then GET GUN, FIRE GUN AT MANIAC If you first showed him the note you can go straight past E past Maniac, PUT DOWN GUN if you've got it D, D, D to Blue Corridor, N PUSH BUTTON for Cellular Repair (You're healthy again) S, S, S LIFT PLATE WITH PIPE (There's an opening in the floor) TIE ROPE TO TABLE (The rope trails down into the hole) D to White Corridor N to Guard Station (If you're carrying the gun you'll be zapped) SHOW CARD TO GUARD N into Control Room (Console has 5 buttons which must be pushed in the same order as the relevant coloured birds on the yellow note) PUSH WHITE BUTTON PUSH BLACK BUTTON PUSH BLUE BUTTON PUSH WHITE BUTTON PUSH YELLOW BUTTON (Control is successfully transferred to Auxiliary Control Room, but a guard enters) HIT GUARD WITH PIPE S, S CLIMB ROPE (You're immediately pursued) N, N, U, U, U to Beige Corridor W (Maniac lets you pass) W (Maniac deals with pursuers and a scout helps you through the ventilation shaft to receive the thanks of Captain Remington) * * C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S * *