Editorial Welcome to the latest issue of SynTax - 18 months old and still going strong! It seems so little time since John and I first discussed the idea and yet, here we are, up to Issue 9 already. Despite recent letters in the glossy magazines, I can't say I've noticed a decline in the popularity of adventure games. RPGs and graphic adventures may be taking over from text adventures in the eyes of the large software houses but I still get a lot of people saying how much they prefer text games. It's just as well that some of the smaller software houses and enthusiastic individuals are still continuing to produce text and text/graphic games for those who want them. Quite a few more readers have also told me recently that they have joined the ranks of PC emulator owners, mostly so they can play the Infocoms which were never released on the ST. As you know I already include a few PC adventures in the PD list but if you'd like a small amount of PC coverage in the magazine, just say. There's certainly no way I'd let it swamp the ST coverage but if you'd like an odd review or solution, drop me a line or ring up and let me know. I won't consider it unless enough people are in favour. Talking of ringing me up, anyone who has rung over the last few months will know that we have an infernal answering machine! I keep it permanently switched on and it doesn't give me long to get to the phone before it cuts in so if you get it, please leave a message - after all, you've already paid for the call! - and I'll always call you back if you want me to. Due to popular demand, this issue has the faster letter printing on the loading screen and just to remind you all that SynTax is also available in mono if you want to change...... The special feature this issue is longer than usual and I hope you'll all find it as interesting as I did as it explains the time zones in Chrono Quest 2. Even if you haven't played the game, I'm sure you'll be fascinated by Martin's research into it. I've already mentioned PC games, well, if you have an Amstrad as well as an ST, you'll be interested to know that a SynTax subscriber who also has both machines has set up an Amstrad PD library. For more info, send an SAE to Adventure PD, 10 Overton Road, Abbey Wood, London SE2 9SD. Any contributions for the library will also be welcome. Talking of contributions, the situation here is getting rather desperate. I have the special feature for the next issue lined up already and some solutions (none of them for recent games) and that's it! There's far too much of me on these disks, folks, and I'd rather see your names plastered all over them! Obviously, if I'm doing as many as six reviews for an issue, I have no hope of completing any of the games and can often only skim the surface of them, trying to pick out some hints as I go. Some readers, bless 'em, are great at sending in at least one file each issue, some do so much more that I couldn't cope without them. So, please, if you can find time to do me a review or some hints for a game you've played, you'll earn my undying gratitude! Finally, it's apology time. Thanks to Jack Lockerby for pointing out a typo in the STAC getall routine last issue. In special condition 20, line 2 should have read: if zero? firstob 9999 then newcom and not firstob room as printed. Also in the last issue, the solution I included for Amazon was evidently the Commodore version. Argh! The ST version doesn't have the arcade sequences that were mentioned and when you get to those points in the solution you should just keep going north (or whatever) to continue. Thanks to Neil for pointing that out. Right, that's it for another issue - see you next year in Issue 10! Sue