The Price of Magik - Level 9 Sent in by John R Barnsley Note:- You should avoid combat unless it is essential as dealing with your opponent's ghosts saps your stamina and slows progress through the game. Drop unwanted objects as and when necessary. SPELLS FOCI USE 1. "BOM" Trumpet Brings inanimate things to life 2. "DED" Alloy Wheel Cancels all spells 3. "DET" Elder Cross Detects danger 4. "DOW" Pendulum Checks magikal properties of target 5. "ESP" Crystal Ball Looks into another room 6. "FIN" Silver Mail Turns mail-clad target into fish 7. "FIX" Valerian Cures target of injuries 8. "FLY" Broom Causes target to 'levitate' 9. "HYP" Staff Hypnotises target to obey you 10."IBM" Blue Box Scares the target 11."KIL" Axe Madly confuses target in combat 12."MAD" Grimoire Angers target 13."SAN" Claw Restores sanity to target 14."SEE" Feldspar Lens Detects secret doors 15."SPY" Candle See into room of target 16."XAM" Prism Examines 'magik' properties of target 17."ZAP" Ashes Magikally attacks target with lightning 18."ZEN" Mirror Transports you to Mists Of Time SOLUTION EXAMINE KNOCKER - W - EXAMINE WOODPILE - EXAMINE NASTY - GET CANDLE - LIGHT WOODPILE - EXTINGUISH CANDLE - (if you don't extinguish the candle as early as possible, it burns completely away - taking with it your 'focus' for the "SPY" spell!) - EXAMINE WOODPILE - GET ASHES - W - TAKE ALL - (when asked if you want to continue 'taking' the mandrake - input 'YES') - EXAMINE ALL - (you find the knucklebone is displaying a ring) - EXAMINE RING - (diamonds cut glass!!) - DROP MANDRAKE - REMOVE RING FROM KNUCKLEBONE - DROP KNUCKLEBONE - DROP SKULL - E - E - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - RUB EYEBRIGHT INTO EYES - (no lamps in this game!). W - N - EXAMINE WARDROBE - GET ROBES - WEAR ROBES - S - CUT MIRROR WITH DIAMOND - GET SMALL MIRROR - LOOK - (a new exit has been created to the South) - S - GET PRISM - EXAMINE PRISM - N - W - GET CAGE - SW - SE - EXAMINE TABLE - GET SCROLL - GET KNIFE - READ SCROLL - NW - NE - E - E - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - CUT VINE - (you have now created a Staff!) - GET STAFF - KNOCK DOOR - OPEN DOOR - IN - EXAMINE POSTCARD - NW - EXAMINE CLOCK - GET PENDULUM - EXAMINE PENDULUM - WAIT - (until the clock goes 'BOM') - E - GET BROOM - W - SE - W - W - NW - N - NE - N - TOUCH MOON - TOUCH MOON - (this action reduces your game age to 20 years old - if you become 80, you're living dangerously and at 100 you're dead! Casting magik spells costs you years so check 'SCORE' at regular intervals!). S - SW - N - N - UP - E - N - NE - NE - GET VALERIAN - GET WOLFSBANE - NW - UP - GET BAT - EXAMINE BELL - DOWN - SE - SE - EXAMINE WARGAME - SW - W - W - DROP BAT - CAST HYP AT BAT - BAT TAKE WHEEL - (the Bat flies off and returns with the wheel) - GET WHEEL - GET BAT - S - SE - PUSH PANEL - LOOK - (you have found a new exit to the East) - E - EXAMINE SWORD - (it is pushed into the floor of this room from the ceiling of the location directly under this one!) - PULL LEVER - (the sword drops down below and you can get it in a little while) - W - S - E - GET SHOVEL - W - NW - SW - EXAMINE CHESTS. NOTE:- There are ten of these chests all coloured differently, i.e. Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Grey and White. It is necessary to magikally examine each one in turn with the "DOW" spell to establish which one contains the salt that you will need. To do this you will need to study the action of the pendulum when the spell is cast. A circular movement of the pendulum indicates no contents, whereas a side to side motion is the indication that you've located the correct chest. The colour of the chest containing the salt is randomly allocated for each game!! CAST DOW AT (colour) CHEST - (repeat this with each chest in turn until you get the correct response from the pendulum) - OPEN (colour) CHEST - EXAMINE (colour) CHEST - GET SALT - NE - SE - SW - CAST FLY AT ME - (you now float upwards to enable you to see the inscription better) - READ INSCRIPTION - WAIT - (until the "FLY" spell wears off) - NE - N - N - NE - S - EXAMINE TAPESTRY - E - DOWN - W - NW - GET BONES - S - SE - GET SWORD - EXAMINE SWORD - ('EXCALIBUR' backwards!!) - S - (the Werewolf leaves you alone because you have the wolfsbane for protection) - SW - SE - OPEN DOOR - OUT - W - W - (you now have to 'BURY' ALL the bones to enable you to get the plate armour) - GET SKULL - GET KNUCKLEBONE - BURY BONES - BURY SKULL - BURY KNUCKLEBONE. E - E - OPEN DOOR - IN - NW - NE - N - NW - N - W - GET PLATE ARMOUR - E - E - N - N - EXAMINE GRIMOIRE - GET GRIMOIRE - NW - EXAMINE DESK - GET PARCHMENT - READ PARCHMENT - SE - S - NW - SW - CUT CURTAIN - LOOK - (you now have a new exit to the West) - W - S - GET FELDSPAR LENS - N - E - N - NW - SE - S - NE - SE - N - NW - CAST SEE - (a secret exit now leads to the North) - N - SE - N - GET BAG - EXAMINE BAG - S - NW - S - SE - S - S - W - S - SE - S - SW - SE - W - W - NW - N - NE - N - TOUCH MOON - TOUCH MOON - S - SW - S - S - THROW SALT AT SLUG - DOWN - EXAMINE STATUE - DOWN - S - SW - SE - NE - S - S - E - W - N - N - SW - SW - NW - NW - S - S - W - REMOVE ROBES - GIVE ROBES TO GOLEM - (he gives you the Silver Mail) - DOWN - NW - SW - W - SE - E - SE - CUT WEB - GET CROWBAR. W - N - NW - E - NE - W - (the Ferryman needs paying) - GIVE CROWBAR - HOP IN - (you are now in the boat on the River) - CAST FIN AT ME - (you are transformed into a fish ) - DOWN - READ PLAQUE - WAIT - (until the "FIN" spell wears off and you are returned to the boat) - TAKE ALL. NOTE:- This latter command is extremely important because when you transformed, ALL your possessions were automatically dropped in the boat.......if you forget and get out of the boat, you cannot retrieve anything as you will then have NOTHING with which to pay the Ferryman! N - N - N - (the Bat deals with the Bloodworm for you) - N - NW - N - SW - S - CAST FLY AT WEIGHT - (to prevent it from falling upon you when you attempt to take the Talisman) - GET TALISMAN - N - NE - NE - EXAMINE CHERUB - (now kill the Cherub with a weapon or Magik. When it is dead.........) - LOOK - GET TRUMPET - SE - NE - N - GIVE PENDULUM - N - (a Monkey drops on your back!) - S - SW. NOTE:- If and when the ghost of the Cherub appears, go back to previous location and cast "ZEN" to be transported to the Mists of Time and find the Cold Store exit downwards. DOWN - WAIT - (and the cold is enough to freeze the b*!?s off the monkey!!) - EXAMINE SNOW - GET CRYSTAL BALL - GET BLACK BALL - CAST ZEN - (find the Anti-Alcove exit downwards) - DOWN - TOUCH MOON - TOUCH MOON - S - SW - S - SE - EXAMINE PICTURE - CAST BOM AT PICTURE - (you are sucked into the picture and transported to a Standing Stone at Stonehenge) - SE - SE - W - NW - S - GET BLUE BOX - EXAMINE BLUE BOX - N - SW - W - NE - NE - N - (one- way to the Rock Walled room) - RUB TALISMAN - (you're transported to a Stone Archway on the Other Plain) - N - NE - E - E - IN - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - SW - N - READ RIDDLE - (the answer is 'FEAR') - S - NE - UP - UP - UP - OUT - SW - EXAMINE LAKE - DRINK WATER - RUB TALISMAN - (and you're transported back to the Rock Walled room) - (check your 'age' and 'sanity' at this stage.........if 50 or over go to the Red Moon in the Anti- Alcove and "TOUCH MOON" twice). CAST ZEN - (to take you back to the Mists of Time, then find the exit downwards to the 'Winding Corridor') - DOWN - N - N - SE - N - CAST BOM AT PICTURE - (in its frenzy, it loses a claw) - GET CLAW - S - CAST ZEN - (to the Mists of Time again and find the exit downwards to the 'Portico') - DOWN - CAST IBM AT ANTS - OPEN DOOR - IN - N - NW - N - N - SE - (the door to the East of this room cannot be opened from this side!) - CAST ESP EAST - (and your spiritual form arrives east of the door) - CAST BOM AT IDOL - CAST ESP EAST - CAST HYP AT IDOL - CAST ESP EAST - IDOL OPEN DOOR - LOOK - (and you should return to the Stone Room, but the door to the East is now open!!) - E - NE - S - (the next location South will not allow you to walk over the ice-cold floor) - CAST FLY AT ME - (this first 'cast' destroys the black ball which was used to absorb an offensive spell against you, but you shouldn't need its protection any more). CAST FLY AT ME - S - S - WAVE MIRROR - (and the Moonbeast runs away from its own reflection!) - EXAMINE GARGOYLE - NW - FEAR - CAST ESP NW - (this is the only safe way to enter Myglar's Tomb!) - CAST SAN AT MYGLAR - (Myglar stares at you from newly sane eyes, haunted by the final realisation of his crimes) - (you return now to your normal form, back in the Moon Room) - CAST ESP NW - CAST DED AT MYGLAR - (there is a loud thunderclap as Myglar's Magik is neutralised! He crumples as Time regains its power and soon, nothing remains of the proud wizard but ancient dust!). FINAL MESSAGES "WELL DONE, YOU HAVE WON THE RIGHT TO TAKE MYGLAR'S PLACE AS GUARDIAN OF THE RED MOON CRYSTAL! THERE ARE TWO ALTERNATE VIEWS OF YOUR FUTURE. DO YOU WANT THE GOOD VERSION? (Y/N)" YES "You live in a luxurious castle as an all-powerful magician, tended hand and foot by loyal servants. Everyone lives in awe of your wise magik and every millennium is more enjoyable than the last. You have beaten the Price of Magik!". NO "The quest for magik has driven you absolutely stark, staring mad. You are incarcerated in a modern asylum, cared for by efficient nurses. They humour your obsession with chanting gibberish, so it's not a bad life!".