Captive - Getting Started Sent in by Alan Beer Once the holographic planet map appears, position your cursor over the planet with the flashing dot which is just above the centre. Now set the course for that planet. Now is the time to give your droids identifying names. This is done by clicking the right mouse button over a droid's coloured icon (or the multi-droid icon) which reveals their back packs. Now by moving the silicon chip from its inventory to the brain, a keyboard will appear. You can type in your droid's name by clicking with your mouse or just type it in on your ST. This is also a good time to reposition your droids to your liking, I find that the human droids are best at the back with one of them as your seeing droid which is indicated by the gold crown on an icon. By the time you've done all this your ship will be at its destination. Once in orbit click on the landing site then click on the land icon. When you have landed, make your way to the main entrance where you will be faced with a round door with four buttons which have to be pressed in the correct order. At this point look to your right and you will see something on the ground. Picking this up, you'll find it's the combination for the door. Once inside the base you will find yourself in a short corridor. Here you will find a clipboard and some explosives. Picking these up you move to the end of the corridor where a section of the wall has a row of small balls at the bottom of it. Now using the right mouse button click on the move forward icon - this will move the wall forward. Now the fun starts! Start exploring and kill everything that gets in your way. This is done by clicking the right mouse button on any of the front two droids' hands, but whatever you do, don't use the back two droids as this will hurt the front two and will reduce the life level of that droid. Another way of killing a creature is to trap it in one of the many doors you will find around the base. Do this by standing on one side and wait for it to stand in the doorway then close the door and hit while you are there but do not move back as they will follow you. The other way is by electric shock. This is done by finding one of the plug sockets at the bottom of some of the walls. Clicking on it will electrify your by pointing at a creature and clicking it, it will send electric shocks at it but be careful as this will sometimes burn up any cash it will have dropped when it's killed. (Oh, didn't I say? Well, each creature you kill will drop cash or some other bits.) Yet another way which sometimes works is when you find some ladders and some creatures are following you, just go up the ladders or down them and give it a few seconds then go back down or up and this has the effect of you landing on it. (Yep, loads of cash!). Back to that plug socket - this is also the place to recharge the droid's power. This is done by entering its back pack, picking up its chest and moving it over the socket. Now press the left mouse button until it's fully charged. In some of the walls you will find a small panel. Clicking on this will open it and reveal some goodies but be careful as these sometimes open trapdoors which tends to be to the side or behind you. In later bases some of these panels have switches, some of which you can't see - you just have to press the bricks at the back. Shops ... visit one as soon as possible. You will need to recharge your droids' lives and pick up some equipment. The most useful items for now you'll find under OPTIC. Clicking on this will give more options. Then if it's available get hold of a route-finder, this will point the way out to your ship. Next get a radar, this can be switched to scan in front, behind or to the sides. These are all you'll need to buy for now. Use the rest of your cash to repair any damaged body parts. By now you should have found the computer room (there's at least one on each base). Kill the man inside and he will drop the password for the computer. Typing this in will give you a planet probe. Keep this as it will lead you to the next base. You will have passed the generators on the way, get back to these. Stop and do some last minute shopping and sell any maps you have picked up (as you can't take them with you to the next base). Also sell any clipboards and notes you have but do not forget to make a note of the button combination you used to get in as you will need to use it to get out (so keep it handy). Now turn on your route-finder. Now's the time to blow the generators up. This is done by placing the explosives in the top of them. Once that's done, leg it back to your ship and get back in orbit. Once back in orbit, set the planet probe free on the holographic planet map and it will fly to your next base and so the fun begins once again. Good luck!