The Golden Fleece - useful info from Neil Shipman The ST conversions of Jim MacBrayne's three highly-acclaimed adventures - The Golden Fleece, The Holy Grail and The Mission - don't include some of the options he's been able to provide in the original Amiga versions. For example, there are no commands to enable you to change the display colours or to script the text to your printer. However, if you don't like the standard black text on a white background then, before running the program, you can easily set the colours to suit yourself by using the ST's Control Panel accessory. If you also install your printer you'll find that you can print out interesting game text like the "Goblin-gook" in the Golden @+Fleece - fancy writing all that out in longhand, Sue! ~(hehe) - by means of a graphic screen dump [Press Alternate/Help]. If your Read.Me file doesn't show the instructions properly, simply load it into a wordprocesssor and save it back to disk in ASCII format. Finally, typing GAMES will list all the save positions on your disk if you need to refresh your memory.