KNIGHT ORC - Rainbird/Level 9 (Part 1) Sent in by John R. Barnsley KNIGHT ORC has one of the most user-friendly parsers of any computer adventure. For the purposes of this solution, we will be taking full advantage of that parser. Instructions such as GO TO THE MOUNTAIN or FIND THE TROLL do not require you to search around or enter a string of directions. Simply enter that command and let the program do the work. Unfortunately, the game is populated by a party of adventurers who will try to start a fight with you for any or no reason. When starting out on any one section, it does no harm to enter the "ramsave" command. If you take too long trying to accomplish something, you may look around to discover that every adventurer and his auntie are getting in your way. In these cases, entering "ram restore" will bring you back to a, hopefully, manageable situation. Finally, although the game comes in three parts, note that Parts 2 and 3 are intimately related so that you actually complete them together. If you're anxious to understand the workings of these two parts, read "The Story Behind the Story." Otherwise, you can try to piece the background together as you proceed. PART ONE Good morning Grindleguts! Sleep well? Bit of a headache? Sorry for the inconvenience but you're about to be skewered. It can't be avoided I'm afraid so you'll just have to suffer the indignity; that's a good orc. Wake up again and smell the garbage Grindleguts, it's time to get moving. Wear the cloak (the less people recognizing your Orcish features, the better), take the knife, and leave the trash heap. First, go to the Bar and examine it. There's a lot to see and explore there, but all you need is the spear. Take it and go to the castle. The innkeeper may, at any time, decide he wants his spear back. If he takes it, simply follow him back to the Bar and take it again. From there, go to the castle and read the note on the drawbridge. Throw the spear at the drawbridge (lucky you decided not to knock on it yourself!), pick up the spear, and go in. While you're standing on the lowered door, drop the spear and continue north. Go north to the stairway and up. From the top of the tower you can see every place you'll need to visit in order to complete Part 1: the Gibbet, the Clearing, the Crossroads, the Fairground, the Lawn, the Cave, the Oak, the Tower, the Well, and the Viaduct. Go down the steps and leave the castle, picking up the chest and the spear on your way out. Start at the Gibbet (which is apparently where criminals such as yourself usually end up) and take the noose. This is the first piece of rope you must obtain in order to escape from Part 1. From here, go to the Fairground and examine the flagpole which has the halyard tied to it -- another piece of rope. Tie the halyard to the rope you already have and you can be on your way. Go to the Well and tie your rope to the roller. Climb down the rope and take the hessian hawser (yet another piece of rope), take the bucket if you wish, and climb back up. Take your rope and tie the hawser to it. Take the welcome mat and the key which you find underneath it. With the key, unlock the chest from the castle. There's a cord which supports the back of the chest -- yes, help yourself to it and tie it to your rope. By now, you've noticed that the so-called treasures really aren't worth anything to you. But one, any one, will now come in handy. Take it and go to the Cave. Inside is a hermit who breaks into laughter when you offer him your treasure. When he turns around to put it in his (ZORK?) trophy case (if you've played THE PAWN, you're going to enjoy this!), HIT HIM! While he's flat on his face, take his belt and tie it to your rope. From here go to the Clearing. There's a goat here with a tether. (If you've played GOLDEN PATH, you needn't be worried). Take the tether, tie it to your rope, and ignore the goat. Go to the Crossroads. Tie your rope to the signposts, and shortly you'll see a wild orc-hunter swinging his lasso and coming right for you. Your rope will trip him off his horse and leave him momentarily dazed. Take his lasso, tie it to your rope and leave. Go to the Oak and enter it. Ignore the gold piece and take the washing line. Tie it to your rope and go to the Tower. The Tower is separated from you by a heavy growth of thorns. Put the welcome mat on the thorns and go north to the Tower. This is Rapunzel's Tower! This is Rapunzel's hair! This is indecent! Cut the innocent girl's hair, tie it to your rope, and go to the Lawn. Here, as Sir Gawain was once challenged, so will you be by the Green Knight! He offers you his axe and lays bare his neck for you to sever. Kill his horse! The green guy is buried in equine gore for the moment, so you can take the late horse's reins and add them to your rope. At this point your score should read 100 and you must have the innkeeper's spear. If he's taken it back, simply return to the Bar and get it. Then, go to the Viaduct. Tie your rope to the spear and take one step south of the Viaduct. Throw the spear at the ring which hangs over the Viaduct and you will complete Part 1. THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY. You are not an Orc, nor are any of the other Orcs. The Rainbird is not a bird, the troll is not a troll, the dragon is not a dragon, and the mouse is not a mouse. You are all robots, programmed to play roles in a live action adventure being staged for the amusement and participation of a group of role-playing adventurers. Visors, worn by human and robot participants, holographically transform the dull interior of a warehouse into the apparition of Middle Earth. Similarly, participants are transformed into wizards, warriors, barbarians and so fourth. Hence, you are not an Orc; you are a robot programmed to behave as an Orc. When you crossed the Viaduct you suffered just enough trauma to loosen your visor and make yourself aware of your true surroundings. By reason of your intelligence, you are overcome with the drive to escape the warehouse. To do this you need to reprogram (or recruit) other robots to help you along. To wit, the mouse, the troll, the dragon and the Rainbird. PARTS TWO & THREE Keep your visor on. There is only one time it will be necessary to remove it, or it can be removed any time you wish to see things differently. Accumulating treasures, as you have seen in Part 1, is not your goal in Knight Orc. They may not be valuable, but they are useful. Pick up the silver loaf. Try to hold on to it, and any other treasures you come across. But don't get upset (DON'T FIGHT!) over the theft of one of these treasures. Go to the mountain and read the inscription. Your score just went up and you can now cast the GLOW spell. If you don't believe me, enter the mountain and CAST GLOW (on yourself will do nicely). Once inside the mountain, go south which will take you into a very small maze. Go southeast and CAST GLOW. This will transfer the glow from yourself to the walls of the room. Go east and this room will be dark. There are glowing letters there, the COLD spell, which you cannot read when the room is lit. Cast the glow spell back on yourself (check out the letters if you didn't believe me) and go west, northwest, north, east, north, east, and up. WHACK! You've been assaulted by the Orc-pounder! You need a helmet to go up these steps, and Oink is the Orc who is wearing one. FIND OINK. Once you do, take his helmet and wear it. GO TO LANDING then go back up the stairs. Now you can take the sack, the tray, and the knife. Put the silver loaf (if you still have it -- if not don't worry) inside the sack. Anything in the sack will be hidden from sticky-fingered adventurers. Go down, then west twice. Leave the tray for Grok, but be sure to take his map. The Rainbird is a very important character in the story. You'll need him to help complete the game, but first you can get a lot of valuable information simply by asking him about things. GO TO THE RAINBIRD. Once there, you'll also notice a book. It's sort of a hint/spell book. If you decide to read it, you'll learn a free spell. But if you solve 100% of the game's puzzles, there will be no need to open the book. The book can only be read once, so think carefully before touching it. Also near the Rainbird is a small pond and a druid who wanders in and out. Watch the druid -- you'll learn the CHARISMA spell which will make you or anyone else more handsome. Best to cast it on yourself -- an Orc needs all the help he can get. For now, ignore the ants and their anthill. Before leaving this area, ask the Rainbird about his perch to learn the LOCATE spell. Find the frog now, and when the slimy, green creature stands still for a moment (this shouldn't surprise anyone), kiss him. The frog will belch up a pebble which you should read to learn the JUMP spell. There is only one spot in the game where the JUMP spell is useful. Go to the mountain entrance, and go east until you can't continue in that direction. CAST JUMP EAST and you'll be in a secret room where you'll learn the SWORD spell. CAST JUMP WEST will return you to your possessions which you lost when casting the spell previously. Go to the Garden and take the garlic. Go west and you'll be inside a shed. Wait for the custodian, who will eventually join you and point out a piece of paper with the GROW spell. Leave the shed and CAST GROW ON MARROW. Examine the marrow and you'll learn the very useful CURE spell. Anytime your health becomes compromised, you can cast CURE on yourself and be fully recovered. Go east from the Garden to find the Haunted House. Enter the House and go north. In the Brown Study is a fireplace. Cast cold on the fire; then examine the fireplace to learn the mysterious EYE spell....... @~To be concluded in the next issue of SynTax