MINDFIGHTER - Abstract Concepts Solution by Neil Shipman 1. Although you can fight the System guards this adds little to the adventure and is not necessary. If you get into a situation where a guard attacks you just OOPS out of the way and WAIT a bit until he's gone! 2. There are a lot of useless items in the game, supposedly to add atmosphere which, I'm afraid, they don't really do. I haven't bothered with many of them in this quick run-through. Part 1: D - E - GET DOG - E - N - N - READ NEWSPAPER - N - N - GET WRENCH - N - GET RAG - W - S - W - W - GIVE DOG TO FOXES (2 pts) - S - GET RAT - E - E - N - GET CHISEL - S - S - E - E - S - S - E - E - S - S - W - D - BREAK STAIRS (5 pts) - DROP CHISEL - DROP WRENCH - GET SNOWSTORM - When you meet Daryl GIVE SNOWSTORM TO DARYL (10 pts) - E - E - S - N - N - N - EXAMINE RUBBLE (12 pts) - D - GET CAN - U - S - S - W - W - W - N - N - N - N - N - N - N - N - W - S - W - W - SLEEP three times until ship arrives - INHALE - HOLD - EXHALE - PORTRAY EVENTS THROUGH EYES (22 pts) - METAMORPHOSE INTO EAGLE - EMPTY CAN - GET LIGHTER FROM POCKET - BURN RAG - DROP CAN - PUT LIGHTER IN POCKET - E - E - E - S - E - Professor Fergere speaks to you (27 pts) - N - N - INHALE - HOLD - EXHALE - METAMORPHOSE INTO EAGLE Part 2: E - W - INHALE - HOLD - EXHALE - METAMORPHOSE INTO EAGLE - W - N - N - INHALE - HOLD - EXHALE - METAMORPHOSE INTO EAGLE - E - GET UNIFORM - WEAR UNIFORM - W - S - W - E - E - S - INHALE - HOLD - EXHALE - METAMORPHOSE INTO EAGLE - N - GET PLIERS - EXAMINE GENERATOR - EXAMINE GAUGE - CUT WIRE - DROP PLIERS - EXAMINE PIPES - S - U - W - W - GET KEYS - N - EXAMINE SHELF (32 pts) - READ ALL - E - E - N - E - PUT RAT IN DRUM (37 pts) - N - E - S - REMOVE UNIFORM - DROP UNIFORM - E (44 pts) - W - S - D - N - TURN VALVE - S - U - S - DROP KEYS - WAIT a couple of times until building explodes (54 pts) Part 3: E - N - E - E - U - INHALE - HOLD - EXHALE (64 pts) [N.B. In order for this to return you to the present you must be wearing all your clothes, have the lighter and coin in your pocket and not be carrying anything you've found in the future.] Part 4: S - S - S (79 pts) - TURN ON TV - EXAMINE BOX - GET FILE FROM BOX - EXAMINE FILE two or three times until you find an envelope (84 pts) - GET ENVELOPE - EXAMINE ENVELOPE - E - N - EXAMINE KETTLE - PUSH SWITCH - I or L until kettle switches off - PLACE ENVELOPE IN STEAM (89 pts) - EXAMINE ENVELOPE - S - U - N - OPEN CABINET - EXAMINE CABINET - GET PACKET FROM CABINET - EXAMINE PACKET - GET PILL FROM PACKET - S - D - W - WAIT many times - When Alison asks you a question SAY TO ALISON "YES" (94 pts) - WAIT many times until news report on TV - E - DIAL 0101 725 1436 (99 pts) - W - WAIT many times - When tired EAT PILL (104 pts) - WAIT many times until death of Ayatollah on TV (114 pts).