OPERATION STEALTH - Delphine/US Gold Sent in by John R Barnsley NOTE: At various points in the game, control of John is taken over by the computer. The commands are your actions/inputs before and after the automated sequences. SANTA PARAGUA AIRPORT: EXAMINE THE COIN SLOT ON THE MACHINE TO THE LEFT - USE THE COIN ON THE COIN SLOT - (you get a newspaper) - ENTER THE DOOR TO THE LEFT - ENTER THE RIGHT HAND TOILET - OPERATE BRIEFCASE - TAKE PEN - EXAMINE PASSPORT - TAKE AMERICAN PASSPORT - TAKE THE DOLLARS - OPERATE CALCULATOR - (a secret compartment will now open) - TAKE UNUSED PASSPORT - EXAMINE NEWSPAPER - (you read the name of a country.....this is RANDOM) - SET PASSPORT FALSIFIER TO THE COUNTRY MENTIONED IN THE NEWSPAPER - (using the UP/DOWN icon) - USE UNUSED PASSPORT ON OPENING - OPERATE RED ENTER BUTTON - (out comes your new passport!) - OPERATE BRIEFCASE - (to close it) - LEAVE TOILETS. USE FALSE PASSPORT ON CUSTOMS OFFICIAL - (he will allow you to pass unhindered) - SPEAK TO WELCOME HOSTESS - (She will give you a telegram which you should read) - EXAMINE THE TELEGRAM - (it mentions "Mr. Martinez on Flight 714") - EXIT TO THE LEFT - (in front of the glass wall and continue onto the next screen) - USE AIRLINE TICKET ON GUARD - EXIT LEFT ABOVE "SALIDA" SIGN - TAKE BLUE BAGGAGE - (belonging to Mr.Martinez) - OPERATE BAGGAGE - EXIT TO THE RIGHT - ENTER THE DOOR ON THE RIGHT - OPERATE ELECTRIC RAZOR - (the razor is a tape recorder and gives you information about a meeting) - USE ELECTRIC CABLE ON PLUG SOCKET - (you'll now get a message....."Meet at Mimosas Park, wear a red carnation") - TAKE THE CABLE AND THE SHAVER AND LEAVE TOILETS - USE FALSE PASSPORT ON CUSTOMS OFFICIAL - EXIT TO THE LEFT - LEAVE THE AIRPORT THROUGH THE AUTOMATIC DOOR. WAIT AT THE TAXI STAND BY THE SIGN - ENTER THE TAXI WHEN IT ARRIVES BY YOU - EXIT TO THE LEFT - ENTER THE BANK - USE NOTES ON BANK TELLER - (He'll change it into Santa Paraguan currency) - USE NOTES ON BANK TELLER - (if you don't do this TWICE then you won't have enough money for the bracelet) - EXIT TO THE RIGHT - EXIT TO THE RIGHT AGAIN - USE COINS ON FLORIST - TAKE RED CARNATION - USE CARNATION ON JOHN - EXIT TO THE LEFT - EXIT TOP LEFT BEHIND THE BANK - CLICK ON THE PARK BENCH UNTIL JOHN SITS DOWN - (your contact comes along and gets shot...he gives you a KEY and a CARD) - EXIT BOTTOM RIGHT QUICKLY AFTER YOU RESUME CONTROL. ENTER THE BANK - USE KEY AND CARD ON BANK TELLER - (He'll open the safe room for you) - EXIT BOTTOM - USE KEY ON BOTTOM RIGHT SAFE - (or whichever one corresponds with the number you have on the card) - TAKE LITTLE BOX - (you must take the box BEFORE you take the envelope) - TAKE ENVELOPE - (Some Russian agents will now capture you and take you prisoner!) - OPERATE GROUND - (And you'll find a piece of metal) - USE CORDS ON PIECE OF METAL - (by John's elbow.....this will sever your ropes) - OPERATE METAL - (this is a Pickaxe) - WALK SLIGHTLY UP AND LEFT OF WHERE JOHN WAS SITTING - OPERATE PICK AXE - (repeat this at different positions until a hole starts to appear in the wall - find the particular part where there is a draught coming through - and then......) - OPERATE PICK AXE - OPERATE PICK AXE - OPERATE PICK AXE - WALK RIGHT, THROUGH THE HOLE IN THE WALL. NOTE: On the next three screens, you need to swim over to the RIGHT of the screen but keep coming up for air and and allow your oxygen bar to be fully rejuvenated. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!! Use the LEFT mouse button to move towards the RIGHT, avoiding the rocks. When you appear out of the water...EXIT TO THE LEFT. EXIT BOTTOM LEFT BELOW BANK - (There's a man here selling inflatable BRACELETS) - USE COINS ON MAN - (To buy a BRACELET) - GO TO HOTEL - ENTER HOTEL - OPERATE the LIFT BUTTON - (and select the SECOND floor) - (Once there, get out of the lift) - USE STEPS TO THE THIRD FLOOR - (the lift does not go to this floor so you must use the stairs!) - EXIT BOTTOM - GO TO THE LAST DOOR ON THE RIGHT AND OPERATE IT - ENTER ROOM - (Once in the room, Julia will point a gun at you....then, the men from S.P.Y.D.E.R. along with Otto - your double - will kidnap you and take you on a boat trip. ON THE BOAT: (When the men start talking....) - OPERATE BRACELET - (the men will then chuck you overboard!) IN THE SEA: WHEN YOU ARE NEAR THE BOTTOM - OPERATE BRACELET - SWIM TO GIRL - (by holding down the LEFT mouse button) - OPERATE GIRL (QUICKLY!) - (She will then be freed and you'll return to the surface where one of Julia's pals is waiting in a boat. He'll take you through the Jungle to Resistance HQ and then to General Manigua's place). (The next bit will take a bit of practice, so keep trying and saving regularly until you complete all the mazes) GO THROUGH THE MAZE UNTIL YOU FIND A KEY - COLLECT IT AND GO TO THE EXIT, USING THE ROTATING DOORS TO AVOID THE GUARDS - OPERATE HALL DOOR - ENTER ROOM - OPERATE STATUE'S ARM - USE LITTLE BOX ON SAFE DOOR - OPERATE VALIDATION BUTTON - USE 'UP' AND 'DOWN' ARROWS TO CHANGE NUMBER. (If a light on the box goes on this means that the number shown goes in that position........if '5' is shown and light '3' goes on, then number 5 is the number of the code. When all numbers are in the correct position....OPERATE LOCK COMBINATION ..... when all four numbers are in the right place.....TURN LITTLE BOX OFF) TAKE BOX - OPERATE LOCK COMBINATION - TAKE ENVELOPE - (There is now another arcade sequence.....avoid the shark fins until you've caught up with the other jet-ski, then avoid the rest of the jet-skis which are chasing you) - CATCH MAN AVOIDING ROCKS - AVOID MEN - (you end up in the sea) - (Head for the seaweedy screen and EXAMINE all the SEAWEED until you find the one with "something odd" beside it) - EXAMINE SEAWEED - GET ELASTIC BAND FROM SEAWEED - OPERATE PALM TREE AT BOTTOM RIGHT - OPERATE BUTTON - (and go towards the entrance, then....) - OPERATE HATCH - USE PEN ON LOCK - (the cage lock) - USE WATCH ON LEFT WALL - USE WATCH ON RIGHT WALL - MOVE IN FRONT OF GRILL - WAIT UNDERNEATH IT THEN OPERATE GRILL - FINISH MAZES - (as before) - MOVE ALONG WALL TO LEFT OF MIDDLE SHOWER - OPERATE SOLDIER - TAKE NAPKIN - TAKE LACES - TAKE BOOTS - TAKE CLOTHES - TAKE GLASS - USE LACES ON SOLDIER - USE NAPKIN ON SOLDIER - EXIT BOTTOM - EXIT BOTTOM ON THE LEFT - ENTER TOP DOOR. OPERATE BOTTOM RIGHT DRAWER - EXAMINE THIRD DRAWER UP ON THE LEFT THEN OPERATE IT - EXAMINE THIRD DRAWER UP ON THE LEFT - TAKE LACES - USE LACES ON JOHN - EXAMINE BOTTOM RIGHT DRAWER - TAKE THE STAMP - EXIT BOTTOM - EXIT RIGHT - ENTER DOOR - EXAMINE CLOTHES - TAKE MISSION INSTRUCTIONS - USE GLASS ON FOUNTAIN - OPERATE THE UNTIDY DESK - TAKE LIFEBOAT - EXIT LEFT - EXIT TOP ON THE RIGHT - EXIT TOP RIGHT - EXIT TOP LEFT - ENTER RIGHT DOOR - USE GLASS ON OFFICER - TAKE STAMP - (while the officer is drinking) - EXIT BOTTOM - GO TOWARDS THE EXIT ON THE RIGHT IN THE FIRST CORRIDOR - GO TOWARDS THE BOTTOM RIGHT EXIT IN THE SECOND CORRIDOR - GO THROUGH THE DOOR IN THE THIRD CORRIDOR. EXAMINE CIGARETTE CASE - OPERATE CIGARETTE CASE - OPERATE FIRST [BLUE RING] CIGARETTE - USE CIGARETTE PAPER ON GLASS - (a fingerprint appears) - EXIT RIGHT - EXIT BOTTOM - ENTER DOOR - TAKE INK PAD - (right of the chair) - USE STAMP ON INK PAD - USE STAMP ON MISSION INSTRUCTIONS - EXIT LEFT - EXIT TOP - USE FINGER PRINT ON FINGER PRINT ID - ENTER DOOR - EXIT RIGHT - USE MISSION INSTRUCTIONS ON MAIL BOX - EXIT TOP - USE ELECTRIC CABLE ON ELECTRIC SOCKET - (next to the trashcan) - OPERATE RAZOR - USE RAZOR ON TRASH CAN - EXIT RIGHT - (the bad guys are there, holding your girlfriend as a prisoner). WAIT - (until a distraction is caused by the razor, then....) - USE THE BOTTOM [RED RING] CIGARETTE ON THE RED BUTTON OF THE COMPUTER - (after the computer has blown up.....) - OPERATE OTTO - (do this next bit QUICKLY!!) - (After the fight....) - USE COMPACT DISC ON LASER READER - EXIT THE DOOR ON THE TOP LEFT - TURN RIGHT WHEN CLEAR OF THE DOOR - (to save your girlfriend ..... you pick her up and you both hold onto the bottom of the escaping helicopter ... the helicopter flies out of the top of the exploding island ... the next screen shows a close-up of you and your girl hanging onto the helicopter ... be quick to ...) - OPERATE/USE ELASTIC BAND ON BOMB - (when falling from the helicopter and the second screen appears...) - OPERATE LIFEBOAT ... Doctor Spyder meets his maker and you have saved the world!!