Borrowed Time - Getting You Started Starting in your Office: WAIT (the phone rings), ANSWER PHONE (a voice gasps, "Sam, they want you dead..." and fades out. A man's shadow darkens the window), EXAMINE SHADOW (it's the window cleaner - lucky you didn't shoot him!), EXAMINE DESK (the bottom drawer is unlocked), OPEN DRAWER (you find a check), EXAMINE CHECK (an over-due alimony check to your ex-wife, Rita), EXAMINE CABINET (your seven case files are in it), READ CASE 1, READ CASE 2, READ CASE 3, READ CASE 4, READ CASE 5, READ CASE 6, READ CASE 7. E, EXAMINE DESK, EXAMINE NOTEPAD, E (you see a couple of thugs walking up the alley towards you. When they see you they draw their guns), E, HIDE BEHIND CHAIR (you hit the back of the chair, like Bulldog Turner taking out a linebacker, and roll. More shots whine overhead. You're temporarily hidden. The dim outline of a door can be seen to the north), CRAWL NORTH (you crawl through as the guns bark again), BOLT DOOR (the bolt clicks into place. The men are pounding on the door), UP (an Attic), BREAK WINDOW (glass flies everywhere), GET GLASS (you hear the men frantically running up the stairs), GO WINDOW (you're on a ledge and see a power cable attached to the hotel), CROSS WIRE (you go hand over hand on the wire to the building across the street. The men swing along the wire behind you), CUT WIRE WITH GLASS (it snaps with an audible crack and whips the two men against the facade of the hotel). D (you meet Mavis Brown, the barmaid. She says she tried to call you because she heard Farnham's man, Charlie Lebock, tell your wife and Fred Mongo that you'd never finish your investigation. She starts to say more but noise from a corner booth stops her and she runs out. There are several men at the bar), TALK TO MAN, SHOW GUN (the thug breaks out in a sweat but tells you Lebock lives up on North Main), SHOW GUN TO MAN (he says you must say 'tinplayer' at the door), W (as you leave, Iris Spencer walks up and tells you someone has kidnapped Rita - you'd better check her appartment). W, W, W, W (you see a shack to the north), N (heavy footsteps warn you just in time. Fred Mongo leaves the shack, hails a cab and speeds off), N (locked!), KICK DOOR (you find Mavis tied up inside), UNTIE MAVIS (she tells you that Fred Mongo tied her up. He saw her talking to Doris Maglam and maybe he thought she'd told her more than she did. When he left he said he had to see someone about a car), GET BOOK (there's a bookmark in it), EXAMINE BOOKMARK (it's a claim slip for a car parked at Stiles' Safe Park, licence 324 C4U, GET TUBE, EXAMINE TUBE (it shows Fred Mongo is a patient of Dr Lafferty)....