Help Offered! Mike Brailsford, 19 Napier Place, South Parks, Glenrothes, Fife, KY6 1DX, Tel: 0592-757788 any day between 10.30am and 10pm. Marion Taylor, 504 Ben Jonson House, Barbican, London EC2Y 8DL. You can also contact me on 081-302-6598 at any reasonable time. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're willing to join this list, just let me know, and if you are able to give help by phone, please make it clear what hours you would be willing to accept calls. If you write to someone for help, please enclose an SAE!! Help Wanted follows....... Help Wanted! Elven Crystals - how do you pass the woodcutter, cross the lake, move the slab in the tunnel or open the door to the Tower? Tomb of Death - how do you make the rope longer, get through the door past the plant..... The following solutions and/or maps would be most useful to me, both for my files and for future issues of SynTax, if anyone can provide them: Castle Master, Time, Captive, Corporation, BSS Jane Seymour, Space Rogue, Final Battle, PD versions of Colossal, a map of Dungeon Doom in Ultima V, anything at all on Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Omnicron Conspiracy and anything else not covered already in the magazine. Thanks ...... Sue ------------------------------------------------------------------- @~Got a problem? Maybe a SynTax reader can help! Just send in details @~and I'll include it in the next issue.