HERO'S QUEST - Sierra On-Line (Part 2) Information compiled by John R. Barnsley @~Continued from Issue 10 where you had just entered the @~Brigands' Castle.... BRIGANDS' CASTLE (INSIDE) A. DO NOT STEP ON THE RUG B. CROSS THE CHASM VIA THE RIGHT (*) BOARD C. AFTER CROSSING THE CHASM, DO NOT STEP TO THE NORTH!! D. FOLLOW THE ROUTE IN THE DIAGRAM UNTIL YOU ARE JUST BEFORE THE ROPE (AFTER CHASM) AND INPUT: "STEP OVER ROPE" OR YOU WILL DIE! ................................. (Figure 1) . . . --------------- . . (Rope) . . |_ _ _ _ . . | . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . | | (Chasm) ||| * . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| . . | ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ . . | //////////////// . . | (Pit with Rug) . . | /////////////// . . | ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ . . |_ _ _ _ _ _ . . | . . | . ................................. You now enter a room with Four Doors (Figure 2) BEWARE!! TIMING IS CRUCIAL HERE!! As you enter CLOSE DOOR (you lock Door 1) ....| Door 4 |..................... . (Candelabra)* ____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Door 2 Door 3 (Table) * ____ ___ - - - - - - - (Chair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................| Door 1 |.. (Figure 2) Move near the chair at Door 2 and PUSH CHAIR to block Door 2. Now quickly walk to the candelabra and MOVE CANDELABRA to block this route. Run to the SOUTH side of the TABLE. WAIT FOR THE GUARDS TO LEAVE THE NORTH SIDE OF THE TABLE. WHEN THEY ARE AT THE LEFT SIDE INPUT: "CLIMB TABLE" (or "GET ROPE") With a glorious leap you hit the Guards and close Door 3!! Now walk over to Door 4 and OPEN DOOR. You are now inside Brigands' Warlock's room. DO NOT MOVE!! ASK ABOUT ME ASK ABOUT YORICK ASK ABOUT SPELL ASK ABOUT MIRROR ASK ABOUT ELSA ASK ABOUT DISPEL POTION ASK ABOUT TORO ......| Door 7 |.............................| Door 5 |.. . ///(Platform - Warlock)/// . --- --- Door 6 Door 2 --- --- . . . . . . --- --- Door 4 (Window Box) Door 3 --- --- . . . . --- . Door 1 . ___ . . . ...........| |.................................... (Figure 3 - Yorick's Room) (To leave this room you must open Door 7 at the TOP LEFT) To do this walk the following route: Enter the Door 1 (you come out from the chute - Door 2) Walk SOUTH and enter Door 3. You are now on the window (Door 4) Here PULL CHAIN. Now enter the window again. You come out from Door 3. Walk NORTH to Door 5. It is open now and it's a real door! Enter Door 5. You come out from Door 6. [SAVE YOUR POSITION] Door 7 is a double door - OPEN DOOR. The door shakes! Immediately enter Door 6 again and wait until the door falls down. Now come out again and OPEN DOOR. (You now enter the Brigand Leader's Room) Walk to the Leader. As you see the screen with the Brigand Leader, type: CAST DISPEL POTION. You now see the Princess Elva. Walk over to the SOUTHWEST corner of the desk (as you face it). GET HEALING POTION. GET MIRROR. Now leave by the Secret Passage. (You now find yourself on the Antwerp screen) [SAVE YOUR POSITION] DRINK HEALING AND VIGOR POTIONS. Re-enter the Secret Passage. Kill the Troll and get his BEARD. Return to Baba Yaga's Hut, enter and HOLD MIRROR. She casts a spell but you raise the mirror........the mirror reflects the spell and Baba Yaga is now a frog!! You return to the Baron's Castle. YOU ARE A HERO!!!!