001 Beach 002 Edge of Sea Up to (003), VIKING, SHIP, LUR 003 On Board Ship Down to (002) 004 Between Sea & Cliffs W returns here 005 Empty Cave 006 Low Cave ROCKY STONE 007 Beach CAVE to SE 008 Old Musty Dry Cave Dig to make Hole (009) 009 In Hole Dig to find Bottom of Hole (010) 010 Bottom of Hole SCRAP OF PARCHMENT 011 Outside Sea Cave In to (012) 012 Low Cave Out to (011) 013 East/West Passage 014 Passage 015 Slimy Pool Go Down to be killed by water scorpion! 016 Low Crawl Go Down to be killed by a squid! 017 Junction Up to (018), go Down to drown! 018 Tight Fissure Up to (019), Down to (017) 019 Above Hole in Cave Down to (018) 020 Pirate's Hide-Out IRON CHEST, OLIVE BRANCH ***** 003 | | 002 | | 001 (r)--(l) \ | | \ | | 019--020 (*)--004--(L) 005--008 | \ / \ | \ / \ 018 (X) 009 | / \ \ | / \ \ 017--016--014--013--006 011 010 | | | | | | | | (*) (*) 015 012 | | (*) *****