Zork 1 - Getting you Started You begin the game west of the house so go South and East, open the window and enter the house. Go West into the Living Room, get the lamp and move the rug to reveal a trapdoor. Open the trapdoor, light the lamp and go down. The door will be shut behind you but don't worry! From the Cellar go South and East to the Gallery, get the painting and go North. Go up the chimney (you can only fit with the lamp and painting) to find yourself back in the Kitchen. Go up to the Attic, get the knife and rope, go down and West to the Living Room, open the case and put the painting inside. Drop the knife, get the sword, open the trapdoor and go down again. Save your game and go North to meet a troll. The only way past him is to kill him so type "kill troll with sword", several times if necessary. When he vanishes, drop the sword and go East, East, Southeast, East to the Dome Room. Tie the rope to the railing and climb down the rope to the Torch Room. Go South and East and get the coffin. Go West then South to the Altar. Pray and you'll be transported to the Forest. Turn off the lamp, go South, North, East to Canyon View. Climb down to the bottom and go North to Rainbow's End. Drop the coffin and open it. Get the sceptre from inside and wave it. The rainbow will become solid and if you "look", you'll see a pot of gold. Get the pot and the coffin, go Southwest and return to the Kitchen. Once there, open the bag, get the garlic and then put your treasures in the case in the Living Room. Go back to the trapdoor, open it, turn on your lamp and go down. The trapdoor will stay open this time! Go North, East, North, Northeast, East to the top of the Dam and North to the Lobby. Go North or East to the Maintenance Room, get the wrench and screwdriver and push the yellow button. Go back to the dam and you'll see the green bubble is lit. Turn the bolt with the wrench, and you'll find you've opened the dam. Drop the wrench. Go South and down to the Loud Room. Ignore the platinum bar for the moment. Go west, Southeast and East back to the Dome Room. Climb down the rope, get the torch and turn off the lamp. Go South, getting the bell and then the book and candles from the altar. Go down the hole to the Cave, then down again to the Entrance to Hades......