Dead End - Interactive Technology Inventory, examine photograph, examine back of photograph, take hat, wear hat, take coat, take holster, wear holster, wear coat, out. Bluehills. Examine door, press button, Philip Marlowe. Sit on sofa, ask Marcia about Miles, ask Marcia about Miles death, stand up, west. Examine desk, examine folders, examine pad, turn page, examine pad, take knife, take mat, examine mat, examine safe, east. Out. Viewpoint. Take quarter, examine bushes, enter car. Jimmys. Buy paper then read it, in. Sit on stool, ask Jimmy about Miles, show photograph to Jimmy, stand up, out. Ask Inky about Miles, ask Inky about Eddy, ask Inky for Eddys address, enter car. Eastside. Up, up, Philip Marlowe. Yes, examine glass, drink whisky, ask Eddy about Miles, ask Eddy about Marcia, out. Police. Sullivan, examine desk, examine cuttings, read cuttings for information on Miles Dunbar, read cuttings for information on Marcia Dunbar, read cuttings for information on Eddy Francis. Moonlight Club. Examine key, out. Bluehills. Press button, west. Unlock safe, open safe, examine safe, take folder, read folder. Examine door, examine ashtray, take ashtray, throw ash in Sullivans face, turn handle, open door, out. Examine doors, take gun, fire gun at padlock, open doors, in. Close doors, up. Hide behind crate, examine conveyor belt, fire gun at Sullivan, take box, fire gun at Sullivan, put box on conveyor belt, fire gun at Sullivan, examine panel, fire gun at Sullivan, press green button, fire gun at Sullivan, out. Down. Look, go to Marcias car. Open door, in. N, in, out, N, in. Examine phone, examine dial, out. S, S, in. Pick up receiver, insert quarter in slot, dial 693208, out. N, in. Examine desk, take keys, take matches, press button, enter lift. Press third button, look, out. In. Light match, take bucket, take mop, out. S, D, N. Press button, enter lift. Put mop in bucket, lean mop on front lift doors, press second button, press third button, out. S. Look, N. Open door, in. Examine window, open window, climb out of window. Put knife on window sill, close window, open window, in. Examine safe, examine pad, examine drawers, feel under drawer, open drawer, examine drawers, take box, examine box, press first button, again, again, again, press second button, again, again, again, press third button, again, again, open box, examine box, examine safe, turn dial 32673, open safe. Murder, Sullivan, Francis, building contract.