Suspect - Infocom Sent in by Marion Taylor Notes: (1) If at any time you are carrying too much, you can safely drop your pen, notebook and costume receipt. You don't really need them. (2) It's important to use the American spelling of analyze. Join Michael - Veronica drops her glass, which shatters - East (Bar) - North (French Doors) - Unlock door and open it - East - Look at rain - It's very heavy. - West, South, West, West, West, South (Long Hall Begins), West - The door bell should ring somewhere around here - West, South. Unlock front door and open it - You admit Alicia - South - Look at rain - It's now much drizzling - North, North, West, West, South, West, North (Office) - The dead body of Veronica lies here - Get Manila Folder and Fairy Mask - Look in Fairy Mask - You see a Black Hair - Examine Waste Basket - Get Business Card - Search Body - Get Object - It's a Silver Bullet and there's one missing from your Gunbelt - Put Bullet in Belt - The rope round Veronica's neck is your Lariat, leave it alone or you will be arrested for the murder. South, East, North, East, East, East, East, North, North, North, North, North, East (Kitchen) - Get Trash Basket - It contains broken glass - West, South, South, South, South, South, West, West, West, West, North, North (Door to Covered Walkway) - North, West (Garage) - Open Toolchest - get Crowbar - Hide behind Mercedes - Wait until Michael arrives. You'll see him do something to the trunk of the BMW - Wait until you hear the Police Siren and Michael leaves - Open BMW trunk with Crowbar - Drop Crowbar - Get Trust Folder. East, South, South, South, East, East, East, East, North, East, East (Fireplace) - You must arrive here before Colonel Marston - Wait until you see Marston drop something in the fireplace - Get Paper - West, West, South, West, West, West, West, South, West, North (Office)- Sergeant Duffy and the Detective should be here - Give Trash Basket to Detective - Detective, analyze glass for fingerprints - Sergeant Duffy will then go off to have the broken glass analyzed - Give Manila Folder and Trust Folder to Detective. South, East, North, East, East, East, East, North, West (East Closet) - Get wet coat - Examine it - East, East, East, East (Bar) - Show Card to Astronaut - West - Wait for detective - Give wet Coat to Detective - Tell Detective about rain - Give Fairy Mask to Detective - Show dark hair to Detective - Detective, analyze dark hair - Sergeant Duffy will rush off to have the hair analyzed - Give Card to Detective - Wait until Duffy returns with the hair analysis - Give Paper to Detective - Detective, arrest Michael and Alicia. Sergeant Duffy has read your thoughts, he appears with Michael and Alicia in handcuffs.