ELVEN CRYSTALS - The Fink, on PD 90 Solution by G. L. WHEELER N. EXAMINE GRASS. LOOK. GET SPADE. W. S. W. N. DIG HOLE. LOOK. GET RING. W. S. S. W. GET CRYSTAL. E. S. S. S. W. SELL RING. GET COIN. E. E. BUY COIF. GET COIF. W. S. E. EXAMINE MAN (you go to bed and sleep if you have done the first part correctly, otherwise you are killed). LOOK. D. E. EXAMINE CAIRN. DIG CAIRN (you find an opening) S. S. E. PUT CRYSTAL IN LAKE (you find yourself on the island) GET KEY. W. W. W. UNLOCK DOOR. GET KNIFE. E. E. S. DROP KEY. HIT WOODCUTTER (with knife) W. GET LOG. E. S. BURN LOG (at inferno) N. N. E. MELT ICE (with log) DROP LOG. GET CRYSTAL. EXAMINE CRYSTAL (now white and cold). W. S. S. S. (you can walk through the fire with the crystal now it is white) GET VINE. DROP SPADE. DROP KNIFE. GET SPIKE. N. N. N. N. DROP COIF. GET STONE. D. THROW STONE (at bat) HIT SLAB (with spike) DROP SPIKE. U. GET CHALICE. EXAMINE BOWL. FILL CHALICE (with holy water) D. W. U. S. S. S. S. S. GET SPADE. THROW WATER AT ZOMBIE. TIE VINE (to structure) D.D. DIG HOLE. LOOK. GET DISK. U. LOOK. EXAMINE WALLS (you push a switch and an opening appears east) E. (monster's hideout) THROW DISK (at monster) YOU GET A RED CRYSTAL, IT MERGES WITH THE WHITE ONE - GAME OVER.