Tamoret - Michael Lyons/AGT on SynTax PD 66 (Text only adventure on ST (reviewed) and PC. ST version is STE compatible, needs a double-sided disk drive.) Reviewed by Claire Dyard You wake one night to find the shadowy figure of a woman at your bedside. She's upset and tells you that in a small town, Tamoret, a scientist had built a gateway to another dimension, inadvertently releasing an evil being who wants to take over your world. The woman comes from the same dimension and wants to send this being back but can't do anything here so she needs your help. Of course, you can't refuse and, in no time at all, you find yourself in Tamoret. First thing you see is a sign with these words: "WE HOPE YOU ARE GLAD TO BE HERE BECAUSE WE ARE NOT GLAD TO HAVE YOU HERE." And, wandering in the streets, you meet some inhabitants of this town: they are terrified and speak of werewolves, zombies and the like. "Stay away from the sheriff" is a good advice, as you will soon discover. In fact, you will encounter not only a werewolf but also a vampire, a strange statue, a giant rat... The game is huge, the text lengthy and usually good, apart from some spelling mistakes here and there, and the atmosphere is good too. The puzzles are a bit tricky at times and if you like mazes there are THREE mazes! This game has all the usual drawbacks of the AGT games: You can play it on medium resolution only, and the text is difficult to read on a colour television. The default colours are cyan text on black background with inputs in yellow but you can @+easily change them. ~(You can actually play it in mono too if you @~have a mono monitor; the same applies to all the AGT games - Sue) When you die (and this can happen very often), you return to the desktop and you have to load the game again. Very inconvenient. You have problems if you try saving on another disk so it's better to make a back-up copy of the game and save on this disk. The game accesses the disk each time you move from one location to another, slowing down the game. So, if you have enough memory, it is a good idea to put all the relevant files on a ramdisk, not forgetting to copy your saved positions when quitting the game. But in spite of these problems, I enjoyed this game and I'm looking forward to the follow-up. Of course, this is not INFOCOM but it's still a good game which will give you hours of entertainment. As it is an american shareware, you can have a look at it and pay the registration fee ($5) only if you continue playing it. @~Claire's solution is also in this issue.