CADAVER - Mirrorsoft (Part 1) Playing guide supplied by The ST Adventurer's PD Library The caves lie beneath the Castle and contain many distinct areas; The Mines, Mortuary, Gaol, Crypts, Chapel and King's Tomb. A secret opening in the Marsh has allowed Karadoc to gain access unobserved. Karadoc starts in the Old Mine Workings and is seeking the route up to the next level of the Castle. One or two little 'bonuses' have been omitted from this guide as they are not absolutely necessary to complete the game. Scattered throughout the game are parchment clues in the form of books, letters, instructions or memos. These prove ESSENTIAL for anyone who plans to solve the game unaided. It is recommended that the player reads all parchments and notes down their contents. LEVEL ONE In the first room, COLLECT the PICKAXE, COIN and DIARY, then go NORTH. PULL the LEVER (this unlocks the NORTH door) and leave through the NORTH door. COLLECT the SACK OF STONES that is on the floor (weapon) and go WEST. KILL the spiny CREATURE and then COLLECT the CHARM. Head SOUTH. COLLECT the RUNIC STONE that is on the ground, KILL the SPIDER that drops from the ceiling and exit NORTH twice. There are several sacks in this room, and if you move them you will discover a GEM; COLLECT the GEM, KILL the WORM and exit SOUTH. Go EAST twice and then SOUTH to get to the Main Chamber, and once there, COLLECT the ROPE on top of the barrel (the barrel is filled with stamina-restoring potion) and head EAST twice. COLLECT the KEY in this room and then make your way back to the room from where you started. Head EAST from here this time into the next room and PULL the LEVER that is there. Make your way back to the Main Chamber and go through the (now unlocked) SOUTHERN door. The passage that you are now in is blocked by a large wall, but don't worry; just simply keep on THROWING the PICKAXE at the WALL until it is completely destroyed, and then exit by the SOUTH door. SEARCH the SKELETON in the corridor and TAKE the CLUE BOOK that appears. Go EAST. This corridor has four buttons on the NORTHERN wall. These unlock the door to the Dragon Room if pressed in the right order (1-4-3-2, the left button equals 1), although you won't be going there just yet. Once you've pressed the buttons, go NORTH and then WEST to where the Well is. TAKE the KEY that is hidden under the bones and leave again. Go WEST into the Stores, OPEN the CHEST and TAKE all the contents (COIN, CHICKEN and BREAD). Go EAST and then NORTH into the Gaol. COLLECT the COIN from the table, USE the KEY on the KEYHOLE in the WEST wall and go NORTH into Cell One. Exit SOUTH straight away and KILL the MONSTER that has appeared, then go into the next Cell. There is a Man present in this cell and GIVING him FOOD will provide you with some handy clues. Exit SOUTH afterwards. Go EAST into Cell Three and exit WEST. Head EAST into Cell Four, COLLECT the KEY and exit WEST. Now return to the corridor near the Well and head EAST from there. COLLECT the GREEN GEM and HIT the BUTTON on the wall to lift the cover in the Cadaver Store. READ the BOOK to find out what you're meant to do with the gems and the pit, then go NORTH into the Cadaver Store. DROP the ROPE down the hole in the centre of the room and then fall down the Pit. Walk over to the Rat and OPEN it to reveal a KEY for the East door; COLLECT the other KEY that is on the floor, OPEN the CHEST and COLLECT the URN that is inside. Go EAST twice into a small room. COLLECT all the gems (you should now have SIX) and go back to the Main Pit Room that you entered through the hole. THROW each of the six GEMS into the WATER and you should be teleported to the Crypts near the Chapel. Leave SOUTH and you end up just West of the Embalming Room. Go EAST into the Embalming Room. SEARCH the SKELETON to find a hidden KEY (touching the other corpse will disturb a monster!). After getting the key, go NORTH into the Balm Store. There are several potions in this room on a ledge:- Cure Poison (unknown), Shot Shield, Stamina (red cross), Poison (acrid). DRINK or COLLECT the ones you want. The KEY on the floor is for the keyhole in the West wall. INSERT KEY covered with spider's web into KEYHOLE. Go back into the Embalming Room - avoiding or killing the spiders - and then head EAST into the Purifactory. TAKE the LEARN POTION SPELL and the GIANT JUMP POTION (frogskin) then go WEST and SOUTH to the Offal Store, although this contains nothing of value. Return to the corridor with the row of buttons (WEST-WEST-WEST-WEST). From here, exit SOUTH but be ready with the BAG OF STONES so that you can KILL the HOPPING BRAIN. INSERT the KEY (Skeleton) into the KEYHOLE and continue SOUTH. Go WEST twice to the Mourning Room and KILL the HOPPING BRAIN that is on the table (not too hard considering it is asleep!), then TAKE both the HOLY WATER FLASKS and the CHARM before going SOUTH. There is another brain to kill in this room, however, this one is awake. If you're quick enough you should be O.K. COLLECT the KEY that is left after you've destroyed the brain, then go WEST and NORTH to the Royal Armoury. PICK UP the BRONZE ARMOUR, the SWORD, the RED-STRIPED SHIELD and the BRONZE HELMET. Now exit SOUTH and WEST into the Ante Room. PRESS the BUTTON on the wall (this will not work without the armour that you have just collected!) and you will be transported to the King's Secret Treasury. TAKE the CROWN, the COINS and the CHARM and then PULL the LEVER to go back to the Ante Room. Head SOUTH and OPEN the CHEST with the key that you got from the brain and TAKE the contents (MEAT & COIN). Return to the Mourning Room and exit EAST into the passage, then EAST again and SOUTH. You should now be in the first room of the Chapel. Two Bugs are wandering around but they can be easily avoided. Put out the flames in the bowls by jumping on them (this unlocks the East door), then go EAST THREE TIMES to the Common Crypt. COLLECT the KEY on the ALTAR (revealed when the urn smashes), PUSH the FOUR STONES off the other altar to reveal a DISPEL TRAP SPELL and a CANISTER OF EXPERIENCE (OPEN the CANISTER and TAKE the SPELL). Exit EAST into the Shrine. COLLECT the MONEY and the BAG OF STONES then return to the Common Crypt. Go SOUTH into the Glutton's Shrine and THROW the JOINT OF MEAT onto the SHRINE to be rewarded with a SUPER FAST POTION. TAKE it and go back to the Common Crypt and head through the West door then NORTH into the Lesser Crypt. Under the pile of stones there is a RUNIC STONE (Spell); TAKE this then go SOUTH and NORTH to the Priest's Crypt. While standing on the altar, SEARCH the LARGE URN to reveal a CHARM and a WORM. TAKE the CHARM and go SOUTH twice to the Warrior's Crypt. DROP the GOLD FUNERARY COIN onto the Tomb of Kazah, and then COLLECT the POTION (FIRE SHIELD - save this for the Dragon). Go NORTH again (you will have seen these two rooms when you were teleported from the Pit), and CAST a DISPEL TRAP on the CHEST. OPEN the CHEST and COLLECT the CHARM and the URN. Return to the first room of the Chapel and go SOUTH. Avoid the Bug and DROP the URN OF LORD CAROLUS onto the Altar of Lord Carolus and COLLECT the SPELL that appears (MASSACRE - unknown and unusable until known - save this for the Dragon). Exit SOUTH to the Inner Sanctum, and WEST into the Crematorium. PLACE the URN OF RAGNAR THE CHIEF ALCHEMIST onto the appropriate slab, COLLECT the FLASK OF BLOOD and return to the Inner Sanctum. DROP the BLOOD on the High Altar, COLLECT the KEY and the SPELL (READ MAGIC), USE the KEY in the KEYHOLE in the West wall, then go WEST. CAST DISPEL TRAP on the CHEST, then OPEN it and TAKE the RUNIC STONE (READ LANGUAGE). Head NORTH into the Library, COLLECT the SPELL (MAP) and return to the Inner Sanctum. DROP the unknown spell that you found earlier and CAST READ MAGIC upon it; this will allow you to use it to kill the Dragon. Now go SOUTH and WEST into the Purifactory. DROP a FLASK OF HOLY WATER into the BOWL and then DRINK it; this will teleport you to a hidden Treasure Chamber. PULL the LEVER and COLLECT the reward, PULL the LEVER again to be teleported back to the room adjacent to the Purifactory. Repeat this as many times as you have flasks of holy water. Having got the MASSACRE SPELL, the FIRE PROTECTION SPELL and the KING'S CROWN you are now fully equipped to face the Dragon. Go back to the passage with the four buttons and go WEST into the Dragon Room. DRINK the FIRE SHIELD POTION to protect you from the fireballs, HOLD the MASSACRE POTION and PRESS FIRE to CAST it, ridding you of the troublesome monster. PRESS the BUTTON on the wall, exit NORTH, PULL the LEVER and that's Level One completed! @~To be continued in the next issue of SynTax.