A slasher fish is attacking! Kill it with food. Throw the meat from the trash can (open the can and look in it). I can't see past the grating. You haven't got the right light source. Don't go through until later. How can I get rid of the wizard? Use your light source. Throw the scroll at him. How can I kill the eunuch? Use a weapon from the Armoury. Use the crossbow. The door to the Harem won't open! Use music. Play the gong. What should I do in the Harem? Only a limited number of verbs are available. Pull, push, turn, play or read the available objects. How do I get through the River? Turn the key and follow the river to the beach. Go W, N, W, S, S, W, N, W. The girl is your light source! How can I get past the gap in the path? Drop and push the spear or ... ... push the sword (through the fire). The dragon is after me! Use an unusual weapon. Kill it with the bone. How do I release the princess? You don't need a key. Just touch the chains. How do I finish? Take the princess to the courtyard.... ....then touch her.