Forestland - Classic Quests RRP œ19.95 (Text adventure for PC, runs on ST with emulator) It's a dark and stormy night. Rain is beating against your bedroom window and the wind is blowing the branches of a nearby tree so that they tap against the glass, sounding almost as though someone was trying to get in. Nervously, you snuggle down under the bed clothes, trying to block out the sounds and stop your mind from racing and eventually you fall asleep. But your sleep is uneasy as you experience a recurring dream where you're walking down an endless path through some woods. Suddenly you wake - to find yourself not in your safe, cosy bed, but on the path you'd dreamed about. Where is it? Why are you here? And how can you get home again? Rated as "fairly difficult" on the box, Forestland is a pretty mundane treasure hunt through a woodland setting. It only contains around 40 locations, including a small maze amongst the roots of a tree, so mapping isn't much of a problem. There is a large tree with a door built into the trunk near the start of the game and you must drop the treasures you find in the living room of this strange house to get maximum points. The treasures aren't very imaginative (a diamond, chalice etc) or especially well hidden. In fact it's hard to say much about the problems in the game without giving the whole thing away. Your score increases by leaps and bounds with minimal effort. Despite the fact that I seem to have been everywhere and don't have any problems left to solve, I've found myself unable to finish the game. I'm still some points short despite the program rating me as "a winner" and it's hard to think of any rating they could give that's higher than that ... but who knows! So, if YOU have the solution to Forestland on any machine, I'd be interested to see a copy. There's presumably one bit of treasure that I've missed, but I've no idea where it is. With minimal atmosphere, Forestland is a bit better than Goblin Towers, the first Classic Quests adventure, reviewed in Issue 12, but certainly not worth the exorbitant price I paid for it. Sue