Ultima V - Dungeon Doom (via Dungeon Shame): The Final Quest! @~Make reference to the maps in the screenshots section or (for @~Amiga owners) on the enclosed printout. Here you will finally rescue Lord British. The dungeon is located at the exact centre of the Underworld and is reached by descending through Dungeon Shame. Use the Amulet to get through the dark area to Doom. You must have the Crown, Sceptre, Amulet and Word of Power for Doom. You also need the Sandalwood Box. To Descend Dungeon Shame: Yell the Word of Power. At first you appear to be locked in, but by attacking rocks on the Southern edge of the level with magic axes, you'll eventually reveal a Southern exit. Go through the exit and take the first corridor on your left. Follow it around to the descent to Level 7. A sign will inform you that this is the "deepest" level. On Level 7, go: S - S - S - S then descend to Level 8. On Level 8, go: W then DES POR to the Underworld. The exit, if you care to find it, is (from your entrance on Level 8): W - W - S - W - S - S - E - E - E through a secret door. To find Doom, travel East as far as you can go, then "BLINK" to the Grassy Plain. Cross the water on the Magic Carpet. You must have already killed all the Shadowlords before entering Doom. Also required are the Crown, Sceptre and Sandalwood Box. UP and DOWN Spells cannot be cast here, so you can only exit by saving Lord British or by being killed. Rings of Invisibility don't work well here. It helps to wear the Crown. Dungeon Doom Level One Exit the room by walking up to the edge of the West wall and using the Sceptre, which clears out the walls. Follow the hall to the ladder down at the far west of the map. Level Two Walk to South, then East and take the ladder down. Level Three Go due East through the east/west secret door and East to the room at the far east side of the map where you can go down. Level Four You emerge from Level Three in the isolated room at the far west, but continue down the ladder to Level Five. Level Five and Four You emerge at the far bottom west of the map. Go East, then climb up the pit at the end of the corridor. You'll be at the top of the '+' sign-shaped area on Level Four. Go South and search for the pit in the middle of this area. Climb down the pit, and you'll be in the East/West corridor on Level Five. If you look at a gem, this area looks like a giant grid, with endless hallways in each direction. Right now you are in between intersections. (You're about to get bounced around between levels a few times here). There are pits going up at the intersection in this area. Go East to the first intersection, turn North and take the first pit that goes up between intersections. You should come out at the topmost pit on Level Four. Search for the pit in the area's Southwest corner, which takes you to a ladder that goes down through Level Five and drops you off at the far east of the corridor on Level Six. Level Six Go West from here to the room at the junction, then move North to the ladder and go down. Level Seven Go North to the room in the middle of the hall. Don't just pass through. You must slay all monsters in the room. A Fear Spell - followed by a Tremor or something like that - does wonders here. Be SURE to wear the Crown here. After wiping out the fiends, collect all their stuff. From a sandtrap in the centre of the room, you'll find a chest. Open it, take out everything, and a ladder appears under the chest. Go down this ladder. (If you've taken extensive damage, leave the room and heal first). Level Eight You emerge in a room (top right on the map) divided by a river. Kill off the Dragons and Sea Serpents (a Fear Spell works well here, too). To cross the river, you must activate a trip mechanism in the upper left corner of the room. Use a magic axe, spears or a throwing axe and hit the wall in that section. It's left of the two waterfalls. When you hit it, the bridge is lowered so you can cross the river. This also releases some monsters, but you can just race across the bridge if you don't want to fight it out. Go West and climb the ladder to Level Seven. Level Seven In the room here, you want to go South but there is no exit. So wipe out the monsters and push on the wall near the grate to activate the trip, which exposes a section of wall to the North. From where the grate is, go to the section of wall just revealed and push on it, which opens an exit to the South. After going South, search for a trap at the end of the hallway. This pit trap takes you down to Level Eight. Level Eight Go West and climb up the ladder to Level Seven. Level Seven From here, go West and South, searching for the pit trap on the corner. Go around this one, search again and take the next pit trap (in the middle of this north/south corridor) down to Level Eight. (Be sure you're wearing the Crown before going down the pit). Level Eight On the island, first wipe out all the monsters. Choose one character to go to the Northern section of the room, which appears to contain an exit. After the exit seals itself off, someone should push around on the little niche up in the walls of the room's Northeast corner. There's a trip that opens an exit to the East. Go East and climb up the ladder to Level Seven. Level Seven In this room is a giant brazier. Do not hit or push the brazier (unless you enjoy being engulfed in hot lava!). To deal with the Daemons on the other side of the barrier, use the Sceptre to chew it away. (If you're wearing the Crown, the Daemons can't harm you). Then walk through and bash the monsters. (Or you can stand near the wall and attack them with a Morningstar, though this would take a long time). Exit to the East, but search before you get to the end of the hallway to avoid falling into a trap. After searching, you can go down the pit to Level Eight. Level Eight: FREE AT LAST!!! This isolated room has no exits. Walk up to the mirror. (Hopefully you brought the Sandalwood Box!).