Shadowgate - Mindscape (Part 2) Solution supplied by The ST Adventurer's PD Library @~Continued from the last issue of SynTax where we had just @~arrived by the skeleton with its skeleton key. First, go through the door that you see up to the left. You'll see a Waterfall and an entrance which is blocked by a rock slide and some stones. You need ONE of those stones for your sling. Ignore the blocked exit (another 'red herring'). EXAMINE the WATERFALL. Aren't there always caves behind waterfalls? Yes, go into this little cave. OPERATE the obvious STONE protruding and a little SACK OF GEMS pops out. REMOVE the GEMS from the pouch and put them in your Inventory....there should be THREE. Now go back to the hallway where we saw the three doors and go LEFT this time. (Centre is back to the mirrored room). You should now be in a room with a trapdoor and a pedestal. Ignore the trapdoor......another 'death' exit! There is a little gem-shaped notch beside the door you see. Try out your gems on this notch. One of them should fit and you'll then hear a mysterious sound and see an Orb materialise on the pedestal! TAKE the ORB and go back to the lake. OPERATE the ORB on the lake. It will freeze. Now you can walk on water! (Don't forget to TAKE your ORB'll find it by OPERATing your TORCH on the LAKE - a little spot will melt and the orb will pop out!). Now you can TAKE the SKELETON KEY. Now go back to the pedestal room. Take out some heavy items from your Inventory. You can pick them up again later. OPEN the DOOR that you see in the pedestal room and go through it. Lurking in a cave in the background are two eyes belonging to a Dragon. TAKE the SHIELD first. It will protect you from the Dragon's breath while you take the other objects that you need. TAKE the WAR HAMMER and the SPEAR, then get out of there! In the pedestal room, you can discard the shield as you won't need it again. Make sure that you have your CLOAK. Go back to the mirrored room. (Go out into the hallway and take the centre door, remember? Then go through the upper left coffin!). OPERATE the WAR HAMMER on the CENTRE MIRROR. You will now see a door. UNLOCK it with the SKELETON KEY. You can now discard both the War Hammer and the Skeleton Key. PUT ON the CLOAK (OPERATE the CLOAK on yourself!). Go through the door and you will be engulfed in flames! The cloak will protect you. OPERATE the ORB on the FLAMES (remember this item's 'chilling' powers?! The flames will now disappear and so will the orb. You can now discard your Cloak. Go back to the pedestal room and pick up anything that you left earlier then come back to the mirrored room. As for the other two mirrors:- one will just crack and the other will break open and you will be sucked out into space! TAKE the TORCHES and the BROOM from the mirrored room and go OUT via the centre mirror. You are now back in the room with a bridge across a pool of very hot oil! Go through the exit at the TOP. You will be on the bridge. Try to go through the door up the centre and a Troll will appear and ask for a toll. DON'T pay him! THROW your SPEAR at him. He'll go away temporarily. Go through the door and you'll be in a courtyard with a well and a Cyclops who definitely wants to kill you!! Put the STONE in your SLING and OPERATE the SLING on the CYCLOPS. Then OPERATE the SWORD on him. The Cyclops is now dead. OPERATE the CRANK on the WELL and a bucket comes up. OPEN the BUCKET. TAKE the GLOVE from within and WEAR it. You can now discard both the sword and the sling as you will not be needing them any more. You are now ready to enter the Castle. When you enter the Castle you see a hallway. TAKE the TORCH. On your immediate left is the Library and on your right is another room which is a 'red herring' - DON'T go there!). Straight ahead of you is the Banquet Room and the second door on your left leads to the Laboratory which in turn leads to the Garden. Go to the Library first. You can READ all the books! There are about fifteen titles each of which contains a paragraph which you will find entertaining. One of these books provides a clue; books can be used to cast spells as well as scrolls. There is a book on the desk. TAKE it. OPEN the DESK and TAKE the KEY and the SCROLLS. Also TAKE the SPECTACLES. OPERATE the SPECTACLES on YOURSELF. Now you can read the book and cast spells! (You HAVE taken the torches in the hall, haven't you?). TAKE the SKULL from the bookshelf and the MAP from the wall. Notice the gem-shaped niche in the wall? Yes, use another of your gems. The bookshelves slide back revealing yet another room. Go in and OPEN your SCROLLS. Find the one that has the word 'TERRA' in it. OPERATE it on the GLOBE that you find in this room. It will open up and you will find another KEY. Leave the bottle as it is only useful for curing the curse of the Wraith and you haven't been cursed, have you? TAKE the BELLOWS from by the fireplace. Leave the other objects. Leave the Library and go to the Banquet Room (the up and centre door in the Main Hall). OPERATE your TORCH on the RUG - notice that lump! The rug burns away and you find yet another key. Now that you have three keys, UNLOCK and OPEN the three doors that you find in this room - two upstairs, one downstairs. Discard the keys here. Also drop the Broom, Bellows, Map and Skull. Go back to the Main Hallway. It's time to go through the Lab and into the Garden. On the way through the Lab, OPERATE the RING in front of the little cage door. DON'T open the cage - just operate the ring. A rock rises up and you find a bottle of Holy Water. TAKE it. TAKE the HORSESHOE from over the fireplace. Go to the Garden and TAKE the FLUTE (you did put the GLOVE back on, didn't you?!). You can now discard the glove. If you didn't have the glove, you couldn't get the flute! The fountain is acidic!! OPERATE the FLUTE. A little tune should be heard and the tree should open. There will be a Gem-Ring. TAKE it and discard the flute. Go back to the Banquet Hall. Discard the horseshoe. Go up the stairs to your right..... @~The final part of this solution will be in the next issue of @~SynTax.