A quick * Preview * of 2 forthcoming Zenobi adventures New Arrival (Text/graphics for ST) Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Text only for ST) Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is the classic gothic tale written by Stevenson back in the late 19th century. The Spectrum version was programmed by The Essential Myth several years ago. The ST conversion has been carried out by Jack Lockerby of River Software and is suitably text-only. The adventure starts when Dr Jekyll is almost ready to perform his final experiment into the duality of human nature. The display is nice and clear and, as you'd expect, the descriptions are verbose and very atmospheric, from the description of Dr Jekyll's house to the ominous deterioration of the weather outside and the content of Jekyll's tortured dreams as he prepares for the culmination of his work. I don't have any additional information on the second game, New Arrival, but it has quite a different scenario from Jekyll and Hyde, being set in the future at a mining operation called New World Mining. You play Richard Dyson, a Class A employee, and start the game in your small room. You're instructed to get on with your work but things don't seem to be quite right .... is something more sinister going on? Though not as verbose a game as Jekyll and Hyde due to the addition of graphics, which are excellent, by the way, there is still a good atmosphere of menace as you explore. I have included early screenshots of both adventures to give you an idea of the style of both. Neither game is completed yet but they are planned for release around the end of November. New Arrival will cost œ1.99 and Jekyll and Hyde will cost œ2.99. Both games will be able to be bought either from SynTax or direct from Zenobi Software and they will be reviewed here once they are officially available.