Island of Mystery - Steven Neighorn, part of PD 53 Solution by "Kedenan" You start on the South Shore of the Island. W. GET AXE. N. N. GET HAIRPIN. S. S. E (South shore). E. GET SULPHUR. E. E. CHOP TREE. GET BUCKET. N. PUSH CANOE (Both you and the canoe go to South shore, where you have to store all the jewels). E. E. E. N. GET SILVER. S. W. W. W. DROP SILVER. E. E. E. N. N. DROP AXE. GET PISTOL. GET SALTPETER. N. N. DROP SALTPETER. DROP SULPHUR. GET STATUE. W. S. GET BULLETS. LOAD PISTOL. DROP BULLETS. N. EXAMINE STUMP. GET BOX. PICK LOCK. DROP BOX. DROP HAIRPIN. GET KEY. S. W. GET RUNESTONE. SAY ALCADOM. DROP STATUE. DROP RUNESTONE. E. E. E. N. N. N. N. DROP BUCKET. W. N. N (North shore). W. GET SHOVEL. W. EXAMINE ROCK. MOVE ROCK (This opens an underground gate). S. GET IDOL. EXAMINE IDOL. PRESS NOSE. GET RUBY. N. E. E. DROP IDOL. S. S. E. (Charcoal bed). S. S. S. S. W. W. W. DROP RUBY. DROP KEY. E. E. E. N. N. N. N. GET BUCKET. GET SALTPETER. GET CHARCOAL. DROP SHOVEL. GET SULPHUR. MIX GUNPOWDER. INVENTORY (Bucket of gunpowder and pistol (loaded)). GET SHOVEL. W. N. W (Entrance to cave). DROP BUCKET. SHOOT BUCKET. E. DROP PISTOL. W. S. GET DIARY. GET ROPE. GET ARROWHEAD. READ WALL. DIG. DROP SHOVEL. S. SAY ALCADOM. DROP DIARY. DROP ARROWHEAD. SCORE (You currently have 125 points). E. E. E. N. N. N. N. W. N. GET PISTOL. S. E. S. S. S. S. W. W. W (South shore). DROP PISTOL. GET KEY. SCORE (145). W. N. N. N (Base of cliff cave). THROW ROPE. CLIMB ROPE. N. OPEN CHEST. GET AMULET. N. PULL SKELETON. GET PEARLS. S. S. CLIMB DOWN. S. S. S. E (South shore). DROP PEARLS. E. E. N. N. N. N. N (N. Shore) GET SWORD. S. S. S. S. S. W. W (South shore). N. N. KILL CREATURE. SWORD. N. N. N. GET DAGGER. E. S. READ SIGN. E (You are now inside the gate that you opened when you moved the rock above). E. S. DROP KEY. GET CROSS. N. W. W. N. N (North shore). S. S. S. S. S. W (South shore). DROP CROSS. DROP DAGGER. DROP AMULET. You have stored all the Treasures. You scored 15 Bonus Points - Total Score 235.