News A few people have suggested a change of format for the news section with emphasis on newly-released games rather than ones that are still in the pipeline. All prices have been rounded to the nearest pound. My thanks to Dave Barker for keeping me up to date on the new releases. Brain Games and Puzzles - Imageworks have released Devious ----------------------- Designs, a strategy/puzzle game involving shapes and blocks, for the Amiga at œ26. On the PC from Sierra, the third Hoyle's Book of Games, covering board games, is out for œ40. Castle of Doctor Brain, a collection of puzzles, will set you back the same amount. Text Adventures - Softworks are currently beta-testing an Amiga --------------- version of AGT! Wargames - On the ST and Amiga, Virgin's Realms will set you back -------- œ30 as will two games from Impressions; the wargames Great Napoleonic Battles and Fort Apache. ST and Amiga versions of Strike Fleet from Electronic Arts have joined the PC version. Priced at œ26 it's a naval simulation/wargame. On the PC, Patton Strikes Back from Broderbund is out for a massive œ46 but Riders of Rohan is just œ37. Sims/Strategy etc - On the PC, Sid Meier's Civilisation, his ----------------- follow-up to Railroad Tycoon, is now out on the PC for œ40. Create a civilisation from scratch in the year 4000 BC and nurture it through its formative years, helping it to expand and progress, discover the wheel, iron working, the alphabet and make other great advances, produce one of the wonders of the world and make the final leap into space! Also out: The Castles Companion Data Disk 1 (œ15), Mercenary III (Novagen, ST/Amiga, œ30), Powermonger WWI Data Disk, Populous 2 (Amiga, œ30), Populous World Editor (Amiga, œ15). The price of Populous has been cut to œ11 on all formats. Graphic Adventures - Delphine's Another World, following on from ------------------ Future Wars, is out now for the ST and Amiga, priced at œ26. A lightning storm disrupts a professor's experiments into particle physics and catapults him into, yes, another world. It sounds a mixture of adventure and action with platform sequences and good timing needed in some sections. Quest for Adventure, a triple pack containing Operation Stealth, Mean Streets and Indiana Jones, is available for Amiga and ST owners for œ35. PC owners will have to pay œ41. Also out: The Secret of Monkey Island 2, LeChuck's Revenge (Lucasfilms, PC, œ35), Conquests of the Longbow (Sierra, PC, œ40), Floor 13 (Virgin, PC, œ35), the improved version of Mixed-up Mother Goose (Sierra, Amiga, œ35), Heart of China (Sierra, Amiga, œ35). Action Adventures - On the Amiga and PC, US Gold's The Godfather ----------------- is out for œ31. On the Amiga, Home Alone, based round the successful film, will cost you œ26. RPGs and the like - ST and Amiga owners who haven't yet bought ----------------- Gremlin's Hero Quest can now save themselves a bit of money and buy both Hero Quest AND the first data disk, Witch Lord, for the bargain price of œ30. A triple pack called Quest for Glory comprising Midwinter, Bloodwych and Cadaver is also out for œ31. PC owners - if you enjoyed Bard's Tale, why not design your own game and frustrate your friends with your devious puzzles? The Bard's Tale Construction Set will let you do just that and the package will cost you œ40. Meanwhile a triple pack of Bard's Tale I-III is out for œ35. Also out: Celtic Legends (Ubisoft, ST/Amiga, œ31), Suspicious Cargo (Gremlin, œ26), Utopia (ST/Amiga, œ31) Shadow Sorcerer (SSI, ST/Amiga, œ28 - a hint book is also available). Mindscape's Knightmare (Amiga, œ31), Lord of the Rings (Interplay, Amiga, œ26), Space 1889 (Amiga).