Trials and Tribulations of an Apprentice Wizard - Mark Robinson (Text/graphic STAC adventure for ST on SynTax PD 175) Reviewed by Joan Dunn The loading screen shows the picture of Death, a cowled figure on a playing card. There are few graphics, but these few are first-rate. There is one of a very realistic demon .... see the screen shot in this issue of SYNTAX. There is a warning that some may be offended by the wisecracks and swearing, but I must say I found nothing offensive. You have had a hard day at the wizard's academy. You have been six years in the first class and all your pals have graduated and left you still struggling with your studies. At the beginning of the game you are repeating certain experiments, watched by your tutor. Unfortunately, you mix in newt's excretion instead of secretion and the result is a big BANG. Up you go at full speed and just as quickly come down again. You find yourself in a long, cold, marble corridor. You go south into a study and there sitting behind a desk is DEATH, and very cross he is too. He tells you that in the confusion a wizard has run off with his lifetimer. Without it DEATH cannot take him, and if he doesn't die within the week his experiment will destroy the galaxy. Of course it's all your fault! Your quest is to find the wizard and bring his lifetimer to DEATH. The wizard's name is Wurbleweezer and he lives in the sky city of Kiayr Nirabalis. You are propelled through a door, fall down some steps into the wizard's study, and so the adventure begins. This is a big adventure, with plenty to do, lots of interesting puzzles and amusing incidents. You arrive at the pearly gates, a choir sings in the background, an angel flies down to talk to you. The effect is ruined by the fact that you can see the winch holding him up and his halo is crooked. This is just one of the good text descriptions. At one stage you meet the seven dwarves. I rather liked their names .... Psycho, Pervy, Druggo, Schizo, Dildo, Yobbo and the other one. (This other one is never named) You take part in a typical quiz game where a smarmy quiz master tells you to "Come on down." The audience go wild with excitement, jumping up and down and shouting. You are asked a question and yes, you are right, and your reward? You are pushed through a portal into ..... A MAZE. Actually if you have your wits about you, help is at hand, and the answer is very simple. Quite clever too. Now I mustn't forget to tell you about Pink Sonja. She is a barbarian warrioress, with bright pink hair and wearing a brief chainmail bikini. She is very voluptuous and sexy, but she certainly can fight. She is a big help and together you journey through to the exciting end of this game. DEATH is always close at hand and if you are killed he arrives to collect you. However as your quest is important you are given another chance and back you go to the beginning..... so make good use of Ramsave. You need to examine all the things you find, as they are not always what they appear to be, and remember there is more than one way to solve a problem. Although your first idea may work, if it is not the right one you will have troubles later on. One grumble, I did find the screen often scrolled too quickly, often before I had finished reading it. I found this game hilarious in places, and really enjoyed playing it. It will keep you happy for many an hour.